Yang jelas kedokteran dan penelitian ilmiah di bidang bioteknologia di Kuba 
tidak MENCARI PROFIT dan TIDAK ADA PERSAINGAN antara lembaga-lembaga ilmu!! Ini 
yang tidak dimengerti oleh oirang-orang yang tidak bisa membedakan sistim 
kesehatan di Kuba dengan sistim di negeri-negeri dunia ketiga dan negara-negara 
imperialis!! Kuba sudah menemukan dan membuat berbagai macam obat dan vaccin, 
tapi karena monopoli multinasional dan blokade, tidak bisa dijual dengan bebas 
di pasar yang memang dikuasai oleh multinasional imperialis!!! Hanya 
negara-negara yang bersahabat dengan Kuba yang membeli obat-obat dan vaccin. 
Saya selalu tantang si remo pro Tkk-imperialis untuk menjelaskan bagaimana KUba 
yang miskin dan diblokade bisa memberi pelayanan gratis dalam kesehatan dan 
pendidikan, bahkan kepada mahasiswa asing yang belajar di Kuba, sedangkan 
tiongkok yang sudah bejibun multimilyuner dan biyunernya, pelayanan kesehatan 
dan pendidikan tidak bisa digratiskan!!!! Moral di kuba sudah tentu tidak sama 
dengan negara-negara imperialis!!! di Kuba ada solidaritas dan sudah 
dibuktikan....Mana ada solidaritas di Indonesia dan negara-negara Imperialis??? 
Adakah solidaritas dengan para refugie yang manggrok di Turki dan Yunani????
    On Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 04:06:25 PM GMT+1, ajeg ajegil...@yahoo.com 
[GELORA45] <gelora45@yahoogroups.com> wrote:  

Setahu saya Kuba pernah menjadi pusat penelitian mikrobiologi karena ilmu dan 
teknologi hayatinya mengungguli negara-negara Barat.
Selain ilmu, dunia kesehatannya berisi barisan solidaritas yang mengutamakan 
keselamatan umat manusia. Saya kira ini buah moral yang ditanam dr. Ernesto.
--- jetaimemucho1@... wrote:

No new cases of Covid-19 in Cuba in last 48 hours

The four patients identified remain hospitalized and are progressing 
satisfactorily, with all resources needed to ensure their full recovery 

Author: Yudy Castro Morales | inter...@granma.cu

march 16, 2020 09:03:39
Photo: Juvenal Balán
The four Covid-19 patients identified remain hospitalized and are progressing 
satisfactorily, with all resources needed to ensure their full recovery 
available; while efforts to prevent the spread of the pandemic within the 
country continue.

Dr. Carmelo Trujillo Machado, head of the Ministry of Public Health (Minsap) 
Department of International Health Control, reported this information Sunday in 
a press conference, and emphasized that the implementation of all measures 
established for the prevention and confrontation of the new coronavirus 
continue, in close collaboration with all central state administration agencies 
and ministries.

He reiterated the importance of expanding preventative and educational efforts 
for the entire population, as well as preparing all sectors of society to 
implement preventative measures.

Dr. Trujillo reported that border surveillance has been “increased and 
strengthened” at all ports of entry, with teams of health professionals 
carefully following protocols, while active monitoring continues at the primary 
care level and in hotels, to ensure the timely identification of possible cases 
and take appropriate action.

Family doctors and nurses are conducting active searches in communities to 
identify and monitor all individuals with respiratory symptoms, he stated, 
while insisting on the essential participation of the population, since anyone 
with such symptoms must seek medical attention immediately.

Dr. María Elena Soto Entenza, head of the Ministry’s Primary Health Care 
Department noted that specific areas have been designated in community 
polyclinics to care for patients with respiratory symptoms, as well as 
committees of several specialists to conduct clinical and epidemiological 
evaluations and determine the course to be followed.

"Not everyone who arrives with respiratory symptoms is hospitalized, but it is 
important that they are evaluated," she emphasized.

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  • [GELORA45] No new cases ... Tatiana Lukman jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]
    • Re: [GELORA45] No n... ajeg ajegil...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]
      • RE: [GELORA45] ... 'nesare' nesa...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]
      • Re: [GELORA45] ... Tatiana Lukman jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]
        • Re: [GELORA... ChanCT sa...@netvigator.com [GELORA45]
        • Re: [GELORA... ajeg ajegil...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]
          • Re: [GE... Tatiana Lukman jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]
            • Re... ChanCT sa...@netvigator.com [GELORA45]
              • ... Tatiana Lukman jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]
                • ... ChanCT sa...@netvigator.com [GELORA45]
                • ... Tatiana Lukman jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]
        • RE: [GELORA... 'nesare' nesa...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]
          • Re: [GE... Tatiana Lukman jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]
            • RE... 'nesare' nesa...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]

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