*Military aircraft carrying medical equipment from China arrives in Jakarta*


   Budi Sutrisno

   The Jakarta Post

*Military aircraft carrying medical equipment from China arrives in Jakarta*

Budi Sutrisno

The Jakarta Post

Jakarta   /   Mon, March 23, 2020   /   02:11 pm

Officers moved boxes containing medical supply for handling COVID-19 from
Shanghai, China, which were transported by the C-130 Hercules aircraft of
the Indonesian Air Force from 32 Air Wing Squadron 2 Air Force Base
Abdulrachman Saleh Malang on arrival at Halim Perdanakusuma Air Base,
Jakarta, Monday, March 23, 2020. The medical device assistance for handling
COVID-19 from Shanghai, China consisted of disposable masks, N95 masks,
personal protective equipment, protective glasses, gloves, shoe protectors,
to infrared thermometers. (Antara/M Risyal Hidayat)

An Indonesian Military (TNI) Hercules C-130 aircraft arrived at Halim
Perdanakusuma Air Base in East Jakarta on Monday morning after picking up
medical equipment from China to help medical personnel working against

The military aircraft flew to the Chinese city of Shanghai on Saturday to
transport the medical equipment to Indonesia and headed to Raden Sadjad Air
Base in Natuna, Riau Islands, on Sunday before flying to Jakarta.

The medical equipment includes disposable masks, N-95 masks, protective
clothing, goggles, gloves, shoe covers, infrared thermometers and surgical
caps, which will be used by the country’s doctors and fast-response team
for COVID-19.

The operation was a response to Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto’s request
for the TNI to provide military aircraft to transport the medical kits from
Shanghai, following his limited meeting with President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo
last week.

Arriving at the handover ceremony shortly after the plane landed in
Jakarta, Prabowo said the distribution effort would continue and that more
and bigger planes would fly out for the same mission.

“The Chinese minister of defense asked about our needs and I sent our list.
This is a form of international cooperation between countries and they
already have the experience. Now that they are giving assistance to us, we
accept the offer,” he said.

Jokowi previously said he had received many complaints regarding the lack
of personal protective equipment available and asked for understanding that
about 180 countries were fighting to get such equipment.

“*Alhamdullilah* [thank God], on Saturday, we were ready with around
105,000 pieces of medical personal protective equipment, which will be
distributed today to hospitals around the country,” Jokowi said.

He detailed that 45,000 items would be distributed to Jakarta and its
surrounding areas that included Bogor and Banten, 40,000 items for West
Java, Central Java, East Java, Yogyakarta and Bali, 10,000 for provinces
outside of Java and 10,000 as reserves.

Indonesia has confirmed 514 positive cases of COVID-19 across 20 provinces,
while the death toll has reached 48 as of Sunday.

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