Cuba Comes to Italy's Aid by Sending Team of Doctors and Nurses

   - [image: Cuban doctors are flown to several countries around the world
   to help combat the coronavirus outbreak.]
   Cuban doctors are flown to several countries around the world to help
   combat the coronavirus outbreak. | Photo: @CubacooperaGh

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Published 22 March 2020

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“We are all afraid but we have a revolutionary duty to fulfill, so we take
out fear and put it to one side,” Leonardo Fernandez, 68, an intensive care
specialist, told Reuters late on Saturday shortly before his brigade’s

The island-nation of Cuba has dispatched a team of doctors and nurses to
help Italy combat the coronavirus outbreak that killed over 4,000 people
inside the country in the last month.


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Cuba announced on Sunday that the team of doctors and nurses to Italy
after the worst-affected region, Lombardy, asked the island-nation for
immediate assistance in helping them fight the coronavirus.

The Caribbean island has sent its “armies of white robes” to disaster sites
around the world largely in poor countries since its 1959 revolution. Its
doctors were in the front lines in the fight against cholera in Haiti and
against ebola in West Africa in the 2010s.

Yet with the 52-strong brigade, this is the first time Cuba has sent an
emergency contingent to Italy, one of the world’s richest countries,
demonstrating the reach of its medical diplomacy.

This is the sixth medical brigade Cuba has sent in recent days to combat
the spread of the new disease abroad. It has sent contingents to socialist
allies Venezuela and Nicaragua as well as Jamaica, Suriname and Grenada.

“We are all afraid but we have a revolutionary duty to fulfill, so we take
out fear and put it to one side,” Leonardo Fernandez, 68, an intensive care
specialist, told Reuters late on Saturday shortly before his brigade’s

“He who says he is not afraid is a superhero, but we are not superheros, we
are revolutionary doctors.”

Fernandez said this would be his eighth international mission, including
one in Liberia during the fight against ebola.

Italy is the country that has been worst affected by the highly contagious
virus that originated in China, with the northern region of Lombardy
bearing the brunt of the contagion.

Its death toll rose on Saturday by 546 to 3,095, according to its head of
welfare, Giulio Gallera, who requested the Cuban doctors.

We are going to fulfill an honorable task, based on the principle of
solidarity,” said Graciliano Díaz, 64.

Still, Cuba has one of the highest ratios worldwide of physicians per
capita even when excluding those doctors abroad, and its medical brigades
for disaster relief continue to earn Havana goodwill worldwide.

“In a time of crisis, the Cuban government, the Cuban people ... have risen
to the occasion, they have heard our appeal and they have responded,”
Jamaican Health Minister Christopher Tufton said on Saturday upon greeting
140 Cuban medical professionals at Kingston international airport.

Britain also thanked Cuba last week for allowing a British cruise ship that
had been turned away by several Caribbean ports to dock on the island and
for enabling the evacuation of the more than 600 passengers onboard.

Meanwhile Cuba, which is known for its disaster preparedness, is stepping
up measures at home too to stem the coronavirus contagion. Twenty-five
cases have been confirmed so far.

President Miguel Diaz-Canel announced late on Friday the country would be
closing its borders to foreign non-residents from Tuesday in a major blow
to one of the motors of its cash-strapped economy, tourism.

Thousands of doctors and medicine students are also going door-to-door
monitoring their local communities.
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