*Di Bank of Englad ada 31 ton emas milik Venezuela. Apakah NKRI juga
menyimpan emas di luarnegeri?  Apakah memiliki cadangan emas ataukah sudah
dihabiskan oleh rayap elit penguasa, maka oleh sebab itu selalu harus
berhutang untuk menutupi defisit APBN?*


*Nicolás Maduro Can’t Sell Venezuelan Gold at Bank of England, Court Rules*

It would be unlawful to allow Mr. Maduro access to the gold, a British High
Court judge said, because Britain’s government recognizes his rival, Juan
Guaidó, as Venezuela’s rightful leader.

President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela in Caracas in March.

Manaure Quintero/Reuters

*By **Elian Peltier* <https://www.nytimes.com/by/elian-peltier>* and Anatoly


   *July 2, 2020*

LONDON — A British judge ruled on Thursday that President Nicolás Maduro of
Venezuela cannot get access to $1.8 billion in gold in a Bank of England
vault, because Britain does not recognize him as the leader of his
suffering country.

Like many Western countries, including the United States, the British
government has “unequivocally recognized” the opposition leader Juan Guaidó
as the country’s interim president, a High Court judge in London, Nigel
Teare, wrote in his ruling, adding that it was therefore unlawful to give
the gold to Mr. Maduro.

The decision was the latest blow to Mr. Maduro and his efforts to revive an
economy that has been* in free-fall for years*
battered by international sanctions, low oil prices, corruption and *now
the coronavirus*
Venezuela’s government has struggled to tackle the pandemic with a
once-robust health care system now *depleted of its most basic needs*

The Central Bank of Venezuela had sought access to the gold reserves in
Britain, prompting a legal fight over who had the authority to seek their
release — Mr. Guaidó, officially the head of the Venezuelan National
Assembly, or Mr. Maduro’s government.


Venezuela has long stored gold reserves at the Bank of England, which has
the world’s second largest cache of gold behind the New York Federal

Mr. Maduro’s government said earlier this year that funds raised from
selling the equivalent of $1 billion of Venezuela’s gold reserves would be
routed through the United Nations Development Program to import food and
medicine for an increasingly desperate populace and shore up the country’s
pandemic response. Sanctions have helped crush the Venezuelan economy, but
food, medical supplies and humanitarian efforts are exempt from *British
sanctions * <https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2019/135/schedule/4/made>on
the country.

Mr. Guaidó’s team, which has urged the British government not to transfer
the gold to the Bank of Venezuela since early 2019, argued that the money
would be squandered on corruption and cronyism that have been a hallmark of
Mr. Maduro’s seven-year rule, turning Venezuela into one of the world’s
most dysfunctional countries.
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Continue reading the main story

[image: Venezuela has gold reserves at the Bank of England, which has the
world’s second largest cache of gold behind the New York Federal Reserve.]

Venezuela has gold reserves at the Bank of England, which has the world’s
second largest cache of gold behind the New York Federal Reserve.

Andy Rain/EPA, via Shutterstock

The Bank of England refused to release the gold, arguing that it had
received conflicting instructions from the rival factions claiming to be
Venezuela’s legitimate government, and the Central Bank of Venezuela
responded by filing a lawsuit in May.


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