> how long has SMT regressions been broke? Is this a new thing?
> I havent looked at O3 SMT in awhile, but I would assume the O3 changes
> over the past year or so take my "fix" time way up!
> Is there a particular changeset or marker where we can say it broke "here"...?

It hasn't been broken for all that long, and the break is just that an
assertion is failing now that never used to fail.  The assertion
started firing when Steve changed the default latency for main memory
to something longer and more realistic.  I think Ali sent an e-mail a
few weeks ago with the exact changeset number, but given that it's an
assertion that now fails because a simple latency changed, I don't
know that the changeset helps all that much.  The problem is that the
rest of us don't know enough to understand the assertion.

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