  I'm working on something else right now, and I might not have a chance to
dig into this for a while, so I figured I would post to the list:

  I just updated to the most recent repo, and ALPHA checkpoint restore into
timing-enabled CPUs doesn't appear to be working:

   1) Checkpoint by running this and use m5 utility to checkpoint from
command line:
       % ./build/ALPHA_FS/m5.debug configs/example/fs.py --num-cpus=4
   2) Try to restore from checkpoint:
       % ./build/ALPHA_FS/m5.debug --outdir=$OUTDIR configs/example/fs.py
--timing --caches --l2cache --num-cpus=4 -r 1
       % ./build/ALPHA_FS/m5.debug --outdir=$OUTDIR configs/example/fs.py
--detailed --caches --l2cache --num-cpus=4 -r 1

M5 Simulator System

Copyright (c) 2001-2008
The Regents of The University of Michigan
All Rights Reserved

M5 compiled Sep 14 2010 16:11:04
M5 revision 37c56be05af0 7682 default tip
M5 started Sep 14 2010 17:12:12
M5 executing on RADLAB-0002
command line: ./build/ALPHA_FS/m5.debug
configs/example/fs.py --timing --caches --l2cache --num-cpus=4 -r 1
Script to execute:
Global frequency set at 1000000000000 ticks per second
info: kernel located at:
Listening for system connection on port 3456
      0: system.tsunami.io.rtc: Real-time clock set to Thu Jan  1 00:00:00
0: system.remote_gdb.listener: listening for remote gdb #0 on port 7000
0: system.remote_gdb.listener: listening for remote gdb #1 on port 7001
0: system.remote_gdb.listener: listening for remote gdb #2 on port 7002
0: system.remote_gdb.listener: listening for remote gdb #3 on port 7003
Switch at curTick count:10000
info: Entering event queue @ 5473006271000.  Starting simulation...
Switched CPUS @ cycle = 5473006281000
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/jhestnes/work/public-m5/src/python/m5/main.py", line 359, in
    exec filecode in scope
  File "configs/example/fs.py", line 192, in <module>
    Simulation.run(options, root, test_sys, FutureClass)
  File "/home/jhestnes/work/public-m5/configs/common/Simulation.py", line
257, in run
  File "/home/jhestnes/work/public-m5/src/python/m5/simulate.py", line 188,
in changeToTiming
    if system.getMemoryMode() != objects.params.timing:
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'timing'


  Joel Hestness
  PhD Student, Computer Architecture
  Dept. of Computer Science, University of Texas - Austin
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