Hello all,

I'm trying to optimize execution for ARM NEON instructions via Gem5 and for 
that I need to be able to identify the data-width of the executing NEON 

>From the ARM site, the instructions are as follows:

VADD{cond}.datatype {Qd}, Qn, Qm  ----> where datatype is I8, I16, I32, or I64.

I'm identifying different instructions by performing 
"inst->staticInst->disassemble(..)"  and then I do some string comparisons to 
figure out instructions I'm interested in. But for NEON instructions, the 
disassemble() doesn't tell me the "datatype".

Can someone provide pointers as to how I can identify the datatype? I'm 
guessing I can get something from src/arch/arm/* but not sure what I should be 
looking at. Thank you!

Gokul Subramanian Ravi,
Graduate Student,
ECE Dept.,
University of Wisconsin-Madison

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