I could suggest a way that I have been using for checking access width of load 
instructions but I am not sure it could fit for Neon instructions. 
So, normally the produced/built file in the generated folder "exec-ns.cc.inc" 
contains all the information in detail for any instruction. But you have to 
find the macro-representation of the instruction by the decoder files in the 
../src/arch/arm/isa and match the instruction name with the macro presented in 
the generated file. And following the decoder you can find out how the 
instruction is decoded depending on the bit representation, and you can use the 
same pattern of the decoder 
to identify an instruction beyond strcompare. So, for a given instruction you 
can find its macro in the decoder, grep it in the generated files to see its 
actual implementation and 
sizes etc. 

I hope it helps. 

Kleovoulos Kalaitzidis 
Doctorant - Équipe PACAP 

Centre de recherche INRIA Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique 
Bâtiment 12E, Bureau E321, Campus de Beaulieu, 
35042 Rennes Cedex, France 

----- Original Message -----

> From: "Gokul Subramanian Ravi" <gr...@wisc.edu>
> To: gem5-users@gem5.org
> Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 9:17:35 PM
> Subject: [gem5-users] Datatype (data-width) of NEON operations for ARM in
> Gem5

> Hello all,

> I'm trying to optimize execution for ARM NEON instructions via Gem5 and for
> that I need to be able to identify the data-width of the executing NEON
> operations.

> From the ARM site, the instructions are as follows:

> VADD{cond}.datatype {Qd}, Qn, Qm ----> where datatype is I8, I16, I32, or
> I64.

> I'm identifying different instructions by performing "
> inst->staticInst->disassemble(..)" and then I do some string comparisons to
> figure out instructions I'm interested in. But for NEON instructions, the
> disassemble() doesn't tell me the "datatype".

> Can someone provide pointers as to how I can identify the datatype? I'm
> guessing I can get something from src/arch/arm/* but not sure what I should
> be looking at. Thank you!

> Best,
> Gokul Subramanian Ravi ,
> Graduate Student,
> ECE Dept.,
> University of Wisconsin-Madison

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