
Not sure what X86 image you're using. The apt-get command is present only in Linux distributions from the Debian family (Ubuntu and Debian are the most popular). If it doesn't exist it most probably means that the image you are using is not one of those (Fedora/CentOS use yum).

As an alternative, note that there is people that already tried to get a Gem5/PARSEC/X86 image. A Google search got me to this (kinda old) GitHub:


So you can try to follow the instructions above or contact the author (which I am not). IMPORTANT WARNING: I haven't checked what the code in the GitHub above does. Running random code from the Internet may end up erasing your disk, compromising your system or even worse!



On 09/05/18 21:48, Raman Arora wrote:
Hi Oscar,

Thanks a ton for your help, I tried downloading an x86 image and the chroot worked on it :D.

But after i did apt-get update i got a message bash: apt-get command not found. Any solutions to this?

I already executed the command echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf once i successfully did a chroot on my mount point .

Thanks and Regards,


On Wed, May 9, 2018 at 11:25 AM, Oscar Rosell <oscar.ros...@metempsy.com <mailto:oscar.ros...@metempsy.com>> wrote:


    Yeah, it seems that's the ALPHA image. Sorry, but I don't know
    where the X86 PARSEC image is, if it exists. Maybe somebody else
    has a link to it. In any case, I suppose you can use any base X86
    image, chroot to it and download and install PARSEC there (you may
    probably need to resize the image though, if you use a preexisting



    On 09/05/18 17:11, Raman Arora wrote:
    Hi Oscar,

    Thank you for your prompt reply,I executed the commands that you
    asked. Here is the output.

    ram@ram-VirtualBox:/mnt$ ls /bin/
    *bash *         cp fusermount  login       networkctl ping6      
    stty umount
    bunzip2       cpio           getfacl loginctl   
    nisdomainname     plymouth su   uname
    busybox       dash           grep lowntfs-3g  ntfs-3g          
    ps sync uncompress
    bzcat         date           gunzip ls          ntfs-3g.probe    
    pwd systemctl unicode_start
    bzcmp         dd             gzexe lsblk       ntfs-3g.secaudit 
    rbash systemd   vdir
    bzdiff        df             gzip lsmod       ntfs-3g.usermap  
    readlink systemd-ask-password   wdctl
    bzegrep       dir            hciconfig mkdir      
    ntfscat           red systemd-escape   which
    bzexe         dmesg          hostname mknod      
    ntfscluster       rm systemd-hwdb whiptail
    bzfgrep       dnsdomainname  ip mktemp      ntfscmp          
    rmdir systemd-inhibit ypdomainname
    bzgrep        domainname     journalctl more       
    ntfsfallocate     rnano systemd-machine-id-setup   zcat
    bzip2         dumpkeys       kbd_mode mount      
    ntfsfix           run-parts systemd-notify   zcmp
    bzip2recover  echo           kill mountpoint  ntfsinfo         
    sed systemd-tmpfiles   zdiff
    bzless        ed             kmod mt          ntfsls           
    setfacl systemd-tty-ask-password-agent  zegrep
    bzmore        efibootmgr     less mt-gnu      ntfsmove         
    setfont tailf   zfgrep
    cat           egrep          lessecho mv         
    ntfstruncate      setupcon tar   zforce
    chacl         false          lessfile nano       
    ntfswipe          sh tempfile   zgrep
    chgrp         fgconsole      lesskey nc         
    open              sh.distrib touch   zless
    chmod         fgrep          lesspipe nc.openbsd 
    openvt            sleep true   zmore
    chown         findmnt        ln netcat      pidof             ss
    udevadm   znew
    chvt          fuser          loadkeys netstat    
    ping              static-sh ulockmgr_server
    ram@ram-VirtualBox:/mnt$ file bin/bash
    bin/bash: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, Alpha (unofficial), version
    1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux.so.2, for
    GNU/Linux 2.4.3, stripped.

    The bash executable is available it seems, as i have highlighted.

    From the output, it seems that i have downloaded the wrong
    pre-compiled disk image for X86. Could you please let me know of
    any link I can download the correct one?

    Thank You for helping me out. :)


    On Wed, May 9, 2018 at 10:44 AM, Oscar Rosell
    <oscar.ros...@metempsy.com <mailto:oscar.ros...@metempsy.com>> wrote:


        Sorry, I'm not sure which exact image you're using at this
        point. First check that the binary exists inside the image.
        If you have mounted it you should be able to check it (you
        will need sudo, I think) just by doing "ls /mnt_point/bin/"
        and checking if bash is there. If it's present, do a file
        command on it "file /mnt_point/bin/bash" and send the output.



        On 09/05/18 16:24, Raman Arora wrote:
        Hi Gabe,

        Could you please suggest any measures i could take in order
        to debug the problem?
        Any document or suggestion that could help me solve this
        issue would be helpful.


        On Wed, 9 May 2018 at 01:13, Gabe Black
        <gabebl...@google.com <mailto:gabebl...@google.com>> wrote:

            The problem is that your system doesn't think it can run
            /bin/bash. In the case of ARM, it's because the binary
            in the image is for ARM, but the host computer is x86.
            In that case, you need qemu so that your x86 computer
            can run the ARM /bin/bash from the image. In your case,
            I'm assuming your host is x86, so it should be able to
            run a /bin/bash from an x86 disk image with no problem.

            If, however, it can't run /bin/bash for some other
            reason, like if the binary doesn't exist, your user
            doesn't have permission to run it for some reason, etc.,
            then it could fail with a similar error message.


            On Tue, May 8, 2018 at 8:13 PM, Raman Arora
            <mailto:mail.arorara...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                Hi All,

                I am trying to run the full system files for X86
                architecture following the presentation


                and Document


                But I am facing the following error,

                *chroot: failed to run command ‘/bin/bash’: No such
                file or directory*
                *I have installed
                qemu,qemu-user,qemu-user-static,qemu-system and the
                dependencies. I am using image file
                *Linux-parsec-2-1-m5.img.* *

                I have looked and the closest I have got to is a fix
                for ARM architecture


                and and unresolved fix for X86


                Could you please let me know how to fix the same for
                X86 as well?

                Thanks and Regards,


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