Bob Hinden wrote:

This document is being recycled at Draft standard. It has been previously reviewed, IESG approved, RFC-Editor edited, and published at Proposed and Draft Standard. It is very widely deployed. Any issues regarding the meaning of SHOULD, MUST, etc. have been already dealt with.

I am having a hard time not reading most of the comments in this review as a "make work" project. There isn't an implementations problem that is being solved. This is already widely implemented. In deciding to recycle the Draft the IPv6 w.g. was trying to clarify some issues that have come up based on the deployment experience todate. Many of the changes from the previous document were finely crafted in a lot of working group discussion. I think it is very inappropriate to change them.

Further, making these changes will likely cause confusion in the people who have implemented this standard as they might wonder if they have to change anything. So I think this attempt to clarify the text, might well have the effect of reducing interoperability.

Overall, I think this kind of review is a wonderful service for new specifications going to Proposed Standard the first time before there are implementations, but I think it is very worrisome for documents that have been through the process several times and are already widely implemented. In my view, for documents that are at this level of maturity we should only being making changes that fix critical problems.
Without having reviewed the document or the review comments, I still want to weigh in agreeing with Bob here on principle. When dealing with a specification with a lot of deployment behind it, each change to the document runs the risk of introducing regression errors in the process. Unless the document is severely flawed, I think that the move from PS to DS should focus on "bugfixes" more than redesign.

Just my 0.02 EUR...

- Mark


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