To be clear, I'm asking about the limits on the description and contact fields (text for people and email addresses) in this message, not the restriction on the netid length.

Do we have, in the creation of other registries, explicit restrictions on how long the "who do you contact about this" field can be?

I'm not objecting strongly to the limits on these fields, but I do find them odd, and they add work for IANA (who will have to check things against those limits), which seems in conflict with your comment about not doing any reviewing below?


On Dec 5, 2008, at 12:54 AM, Lars Eggert wrote:

On 2008-12-5, at 1:12, Robert Sparks wrote:
Regarding the latter question I looked at some registries, and these
seemed to be acceptable limits. Regarding the former question, one
has to have limits. What happens if someone submits a 1MB, 1GB, 1TB,

IANA says "You've got to be kidding".

This hasn't been a problem, and IANA's not going to need this document
as a shield
to protect against someone trying to do something like that in the

Is there any other registry that potentially names that are this long? And with the first-com-first-served section of the registry, IANA isn't supposed to do any reviewing.

I think the limitation is reasonable and practical.


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