Vijay K. Gurbani allegedly wrote on 04/30/2010 09:09 EDT:
> On 04/23/2010 12:56 PM, Scott Brim wrote:
>> I'm just sending this internally.
>> This draft is for "Transport of Real-time Inter-network Defense (RID)
>> Messages", over XML over HTTP/TLS with a new TCP port number.  I have
>> two thoughts: (1) "I guess it works", and "Can't we do better than
>> this?" but I don't know much about ops/mgmt so I can't say "this idea is
>> painful to think about, you should do it this other way instead".  So,
>> - This draft is ready for publication as an informational RFC.
>> - Maybe one of you can say something more erudite.
>> - Is this typical?  It feels so top heavy.
> Scott: Do you want the above to be the summary stored on the Gen-ART
> page?  Please advise.
> Thanks,
> - vijay

Yes :-).  I can't do better and nobody else added anything.
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