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Document: draft-mraihi-totp-timebased-07
Reviewer: Ben Campbell
Review Date: 2011-02-14
IETF LC End Date:
IESG Telechat date: 2011-02-17

Summary: This draft is almost ready for publication as an informational RFC. I 
have a few questions and comments that should probably be considered prior to 

Note: I apologize for not getting these in during IETF last call. I was 
assigned the Gen-ART review for last call, but was on vacation at the time, and 
missed the assignment upon my return.

Major issues:


Minor issues:

-- general:

There are some implied assumptions about the platform/APIs on which this 
algorithm may be implemented, such as "Unix Time" and the "default floor 
function". Is that intentional?

-- 5.2:

Is there a requirement that the proover must not make a second attempt inside a 
given time window? If so, that was not clear from the text.

If there is not such a requirement, are their security implications if the 
proover does send multiple messages inside the same tick? It's not really a one 
time pad if that happens is it? (I gather later on that there is an assumption 
the user can only make one attempt per time slot--it would be good to 
explicitly state that early in the document)

Nits/editorial comments:

-- IDNits reports some issues. Please check.

-- 1.1 and 1.2:

Please expand HOTP and TOTP on first mention in the main body of the draft 
(I.e. even if you already did so in the abstract, since people often skip the 

-- 1.2: 

Please defined K and C

-- 1.2, last paragraph: "... HMAC-SHA-1 function could be replaced by 
HMAC-SHA-256 ..."

What do you mean by "could be" in this context? An implementation could replace 
it? A future update to this document?

-- 3, general:

The requirements seem to be a mix of requirements on the design of the 
algorithm, and requirements on implementations/users of the algorithm. Is that 
the intent?

-- 3, R2: 

Is there an expectation that the time be in sync? You mention later that it is 
in section 6--it might be worth mentioning in the requrements.

-- 5.2, last paragraph, last sentence: "The default Time-step size 30 seconds 
is recommended."

Redundant with previous paragraph

-- 6, general:

Any reason this comes after the security considerations section?

-6,  1st paragraph: "before being not validated/rejected."

That's ambiguous. Not validated? Not rejected?

-- 6, paragraph 4: "In such cases, the default synchronization may not be 
proper when the drift exceeds beyond allowed threshold."

I don't understand this sentence.

-- 7:

It's not clear if you are saying that the referenced document does register 
this algorithm, or that it could register this algorithm.

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