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Document: draft-igoe-secsh-suiteb-05.txt
Reviewer: Miguel Garcia <miguel.a.gar...@ericsson.com>
Review Date: 2011-02-15
IETF LC End Date:
IESG Telechat date: 2011-02-17

Summary: The draft is ready for publication as an Informational RFC (with nits).

Major issues: none

Minor issues: none

Nits: When I reviewed version -02 of this document, I posted three NITs. Unfortunately none of them have been addressed, nor I've received any comments justifying them. So allow me to post them again for completeness. On the other hand, I reviewed the changes from version -02 until version -05 and I don't have any additional comments.

- The document lacks an IANA section. If there is no action for IANA, the section should say that, e.g., including something like "This document has no actions for IANA." The author should consider whether this document requires an IANA action or not.

- The document seems to lack the recommended RFC 2119 boilerplate, even if it appears to use RFC 2119 keywords and a reference to RFC 2119 exists in the Normative References section.

- There are a number of unused references, including: AEAD, RFC4250, SSH-Auth, GCM.


     Miguel G.
Miguel A. Garcia
Ericsson Spain
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