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Document: draft-ietf-tls-dtls-heartbeat-03.txt
Reviewer:  Mary Barnes
Review Date:  28 Oct 2011
IETF LC Date:  18 Oct 2011
IESG Telechat Date:  3 Nov 2011

Summary:  Ready with editorial comments


1) Section 2 (1st P, last sentence).  The following sentence needs some work
(there's a missing noun before the SHOULD) - I suggest something like the
If an endpoint has indicated peer_not_allowed_to_send and receives a
HeartbeatRequest message SHOULD drop the message silently and MAY
send an unexpected_message Alert message.

If an endpoint that has indicated peer_not_allowed_to_send receives a
HeartbeatRequest message, the endpoint SHOULD drop the message silently and
MAY send an unexpected_message Alert message.

2) Section 3: Should the "has to be" in this sentence be a MUST?
   Whenever a HeartbeatRequest message is
   received, it has to be answered with a corresponding
   HeartbeatResponse message.
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