My other thought here is that we know complexity is bad ;)  The specific 
concern about that command is specific to openssl ad though widely deployed 
doesn’t really belong in this draft.


On Jan 21, 2014, at 16:38, Moriarty, Kathleen <> wrote:

> Hi Jari,
> Since this document is meant to transfer change control to the IETF, RSA 
> would prefer to leave the document in-tact to match their published version 
> as much as possible.  There is IETF interest in starting a draft as soon as 
> this is published to correct the well-known issues.  We would prefer to take 
> that approach and I am working to make sure we have at least one resource to 
> edit the new document who has the background to make the changes and there 
> may be others.
> Thank you,
> Kathleen
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jari Arkko [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 10:31 AM
> To: Moriarty, Kathleen; Sean P. Turner
> Cc:;; 
> Subject: Re: [Gen-art] review of draft-moriarty-pkcs12v1-1-03.txt
> Thanks for your review, Francis, and for your edits, Kathleen.
> Do you Kathleen or Sean think that Francis' comment on strengthening the 
> security considerations would be something that you should address?
> jari
> On Jan 13, 2014, at 6:02 PM, "Moriarty, Kathleen" <> 
> wrote:
>> Hi Francis,
>> I went to update your comments in my draft version and in thinking about it 
>> more, I agree with the current text on the public/private order.  As I read 
>> it, the referenced keys are discussed for the keys that validate and I 
>> assume you read it as the creation of a signature or to encrypt.  I'm going 
>> to leave that as-is.
>> Thanks,
>> Kathleen
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Moriarty, Kathleen
>> Sent: Monday, January 13, 2014 9:42 AM
>> To: '';
>> Cc:
>> Subject: RE: review of draft-moriarty-pkcs12v1-1-03.txt
>> Thank you for the review, Francis.
>> Once this version is published, change control and copyright is transferred 
>> to the IETF.  The next version of this document will work to improve known 
>> issues.
>> I will make the change from public/private to private/public as noted, that 
>> makes sense.  I would imagine it was only written that way as the key pairs 
>> are typically referred to in that order as opposed to the original author 
>> thinking through the sentence as you had done.
>> I have a few other edits to include and will have this ready before the end 
>> of the week.
>> Thank you,
>> Kathleen
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: []
>> Sent: Monday, January 13, 2014 8:56 AM
>> To:
>> Cc:
>> Subject: review of draft-moriarty-pkcs12v1-1-03.txt
>> I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. For background on 
>> Gen-ART, please see the FAQ at
>> <>.
>> Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments you 
>> may receive.
>> Document: draft-moriarty-pkcs12v1-1-03.txt
>> Reviewer: Francis Dupont
>> Review Date: 20130104
>> IETF LC End Date: 20130110
>> IESG Telechat date: unknown
>> Summary: Ready
>> Major issues: None
>> Minor issues: (not really technical)
>> PKCS#12 was subject to concerns from teh cryptography community, in 
>> particular from Peter Gutmann, based on:
>> - its (too) high complexity (BTW IMHO it is a legitimate concern:
>> complexity is not wellcome for a security device)
>> - (related to the previous item) its possible misuse with private  key, 
>> summarized by this famous warning in OpenSSL FAQ:
>> "Occasionally someone suggests using a command such as:
>> openssl pkcs12 -export -out cacert.p12 -in cacert.pem -inkey cakey.pem
>> DO NOT DO THIS! This command will give away your CAs private key and reduces 
>> its security to zero: allowing anyone to forge certificates in whatever name 
>> they choose."
>> Unfortunately I can't see how we can address these concerns in the document. 
>> Perhaps with a stronger security considerations section?
>> Nits/editorial comments:
>> - TOC page 3 and F page 29: Acknowledgements -> Acknowledgments
>> - 1 page 4 in:
>>     The most secure of the privacy
>>  and integrity modes require the source and destination platforms to
>>  have trusted public/private key pairs usable for digital signatures
>>  and encryption, respectively.
>> respectively suggests the same order but the private key is used to  
>> sign and the public key to encrypt. I propose to swap keys, i.e.,  to 
>> use "private/public" key pairs.
>> - 5.1 5 B page 16: i.e. -> i.e.,
>> - a full example should have been wellcome but IMHO it is far too late  
>> (and there are a lot of tools able to produce examples if needed :-).
>> Regards
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