Kathleen, All,

Apologies for jumping in here, but I wasn't privvy to the earlier discussion to which you allude.

Summary:  This draft extends RFC3954, but is specific to Cisco.

No, this draft does not extend RFC 3954.

RFC 3954 specifies the NFv9 Protocol and the associated Information Model. The model is extensible, and I own the netflow-police hat for reviewing, approving, and actioning NFv9 extensions.

The IPFIX Protocol (RFC 7011) has its own Information Model (RFC 7012, IANA) which is also extensible upon application to IANA, subject to expert review by IE-doctors (RFC 7013).

The yourtchenko-cisco-ies draft extends the IPFIX Information model. Per section 6 of the draft, "IANA Considerations":

   This document specifies several new IPFIX Information Elements in the
   IPFIX Information Element registry

The IPFIX Information Model was initially based upon the NFv9 Information Model. Indeed, the two are generally considered to be synonymous.

The extensions which are being added to the IPFIX model seek to retain that synonymity by describing NFv9 elements which were not known or defined at the time RFC 3954 was written. These can be adopted into the IPFIX Information Model to retain compatibility, rather than defining equivalent IPFIX elements with different IDs from NFv9 and thus complicating life for every netflow collector.

Note that this is not a change to either the NFv9 or IPFIX protocols.


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