> On 30 Oct 2014, at 09:24, Jari Arkko <jari.ar...@piuha.net> wrote:
> We should add Thomas Clause (the shepherd) into this thread as well.

Fabulous, thank you Jari. I will read up on this, try to understand the 
proxy-DISCUSS raised by Adrian.

> (Unfortunately, .all doesn’t reach shepherds if they are not WG chairs, as is 
> the case sometimes.)

That does sound like something, which would be an easy fix in the tools set-up, 
and which probably would be a good fix (assuming that Shepherds are supposed to 
be of use to the process).


> Jari
>> On 29 Oct 2014, at 20:47, Martin Thomson <martin.thom...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 29 October 2014 03:52, Dearlove, Christopher (UK)
>> <chris.dearl...@baesystems.com> wrote:
>>> Any objection that something better can be done needs to provide that 
>>> something better, not just say "asymmetric, therefore something better".
>> That's a totally fair comment.  I was trying for expediency, since
>> that is fairly obvious to me.  Here's a rough sketch:
>> A has the same properties you describe: a secret that only it knows
>> (KSAK) and a paired public value (KPAK) that it can distribute.
>> X generates a secret (analogous to SSK) and passes a signature over
>> some material (optionally its identity, as you note above, plus the
>> paired public value) to A.  A provides X with a signature over the
>> both the public value and identity that X can subsequently use to
>> claim that identity to others with the KPAK (analogous to PVT).  X is
>> expected to keep that value secret also.
>> Then X can send message in the form (data || PVT || sig(SSK, data ||
>> PVT)), and Y can validate both sig and PVT to establish that this is
>> valid.
>> I'm not saying that this is strictly better.  It is more complex; RFC
>> 6507 seems to cleverly roll the identity of X into the public key it
>> uses to sign.  But this has the property that private keys aren't
>> shared.  That means that you can implement this using an HSM that
>> enforces a strict containment for keys.  It also means that you can
>> establish a parallel bases for trust to the single authority.
>> I think that this highlights the reason we call out downrefs in the
>> process.  As a standalone information RFC, the abstract presentation
>> of RFC 6507 is perfectly innocuous.  But it's application to a
>> standards track effort does open questions about suitability.
>> You claim that this is an improvement over the status quo, and that is
>> quite clear.  The scheme prevents participants from impersonating each
>> other, which might not have been possible with a system based on a
>> shared symmetric key.  It does however, require that all trust is
>> placed in an authority.  I believe that we can do better.
>> Maybe the property I'm describing here not valuable in the deployment
>> context this is designed for and maybe this can be addressed by
>> establishing firm expectations about applicability.  Maybe a simple
>> applicability statement would suffice.  That is above my pay grade to
>> decide.  I'll defer to the IESG on this one.
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