Patrik Fältström scripsit:

> I.e. the way I read draft-ietf-json-text-sequence (and I might be
> wrong), you have specific octet values that act as separators. That
> only works if the encoding is UTF-8.

This is a binary representation which has embedded JSON texts represented
in UTF-8.  Since the first character in a JSON text is necessarily in
the ASCII repertoire, it is not possible to parse a UTF-16 or UTF-32
JSON text as UTF-8 and come out with valid JSON.

However, I grant that mentioning UTF-8 only in an ABNF comment is not
really prominent enough.  Proposed wording change:


   In prose: a series of octet strings, each containing any octet other
   than a record separator (RS) (0x1E) [RFC0020], all octet strings
   separated from each other by RS octets.  Each octet string in the
   sequence is to be parsed as a JSON text.


   In prose: a series of octet strings, each containing any octet other
   than a record separator (RS) (0x1E) [RFC0020], all octet strings
   separated from each other by RS octets.  Each octet string in the
   sequence is to be parsed as a JSON text in UTF-8 encoding.

and add a suitable reference to UTF-8.

> Ok, so what you say is that a string in an attribute value in the JSON
> blob can still start with U+FEFF?

Just so.

John Cowan
As we all know, civil libertarians are not the friskiest group around --
comes from  forever being on the qui vive for the sound of jack-booted
fascism coming down the pike.           --Molly Ivins

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