On Sun, Dec 07, 2014 at 04:07:54PM -0500, John Cowan wrote:
> However, I grant that mentioning UTF-8 only in an ABNF comment is not
> really prominent enough.  Proposed wording change:
> For:
>    In prose: a series of octet strings, each containing any octet other
>    than a record separator (RS) (0x1E) [RFC0020], all octet strings
>    separated from each other by RS octets.  Each octet string in the
>    sequence is to be parsed as a JSON text.
> read:
>    In prose: a series of octet strings, each containing any octet other
>    than a record separator (RS) (0x1E) [RFC0020], all octet strings
>    separated from each other by RS octets.  Each octet string in the
>    sequence is to be parsed as a JSON text in UTF-8 encoding.

Agreed.  And a corresponding change to section 2.2, which will now read:

   In prose: any number of JSON texts, each encoded in UTF-8, each
   preceded by one ASCII RS character, and each followed by a line feed
   (LF). Since RS ...

> and add a suitable reference to UTF-8.

Oh, eh, RFC7159 lacked such a thing.  At least this one should be
non-controversial: RFC3629.  (Right? :)


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