> On Apr 07, 2016, at 09:40, Roni Even <ron.even....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. For background on Gen-ART, 
> please see the FAQ at 
> <http://wiki.tools.ietf.org/area/gen/trac/wiki/GenArtfaq>.
> Please resolve these comments along with any other Last Call comments you may 
> receive.
> Document:  draft-ietf-tls-chacha20-poly1305-04
> Reviewer: Roni Even
> Review Date:2016–3-28
> IETF LC End Date: 2016–4-9
> IESG Telechat date: 
> Summary: This draft is almost ready for publication as a standard track  RFC.
> Major issues:
> I am wondering why this is a standard track document and not informational 
> since the registration requirements are specification required.  (RFC5246)

I’m not sure I agree that Specification Required implies informational track.  
Specification Required permits registrations from informational/experimental 
drafts, but it certainly doesn’t require informational/experimental.

Also note, the registry rules are:

0-191   Standards Action                        Refers to value of first byte
192-254 Specification Required          Refers to value of first byte
255             Reserved for Private Use        Refers to value of first byte

> I am also wondering why this document updates RFC5246 and RFC6347.  Reading 
> the document it looked to me that the registration document is used also to 
> endorse this cypher suite by the IETF and if this is the case my view is that 
> there should be two documents, one Informational for registration and the 
> will be standard track and update RFC5246 and RFC6347
> For Example the following text from section 1 “Therefore, a new stream cipher 
> to replace RC4 and address all the  previous issues is needed. “  provides 
> what may look as a normative recommendation.

As far as the updates header:

The RC4 stream cipher which was in TLS1.0-1.2 is now prohibited [RFC7465] (note 
not deprecated it’s prohibited) and ChaCha20-Poly1305-based ciphers are the 
replacement.  So, we do in fact want folks who were using RC4 to switch to 
ChaCha20-Poly1305, hence the updates header.

As far as splitting the registrations/updates:

What you’re suggesting is certainly one way to do it, but the way we’ve been 
doing it for years in the security area (e.g., TLS, IPSec, S/MIME, PKIX) is as 
follows (there have, of course, been exceptions):

- (if needed) Informational RFC for algorithm

- Standards track RFC for how to use algorithm with security protocol. This is 
how AES, Camellia, etc. were documented for TLS.

Also in play here is the need to avoid a bunch of DOWNREFs because two of the 
ChaCha20-Poly1305 suites are SHOULDs in the draft TLS1.3.  DOWNREFs aren’t 
anything to be scared of, but where we can avoid them I think we should.

I guess I’d rather not devise new process and just keep on doing what we’ve 
been doing.


PS we are currently in the process of discussing a change to make the entire 
range (minus the reserved) specification required, but that won’t complete for 
a while and the implementers want this now (technically yesterday). 

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