On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 5:41 AM, Yoav Nir <ynir.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Roni.
> I think I can explain one of your questions.
>> On 8 Apr 2016, at 5:36 PM, Roni Even <ron.even....@gmail.com> wrote:
> <snip />
>>> Also note, the registry rules are:
>>> 0-191        Standards Action                        Refers to value of 
>>> first byte
>>> 192-254      Specification Required          Refers to value of first byte
>>> 255          Reserved for Private Use        Refers to value of first byte
>> [Roni Even] So  I would like to assume that there was a reason to have two 
>> different policies so why not follow it.
> <snip />
>>> From  RFC4346 a.5 "Cipher suite values with first byte decimal 192 (0xC0) 
>>> through
>>         decimal 254 (0xFE) inclusive are reserved for assignment for
>>         non-Standards Track methods."
>> So this is the reason to have the registration as non standard document.   I 
>> looked at Camellia and it follows your explanation except for updating the 
>> TLS specification yet it uses the first byte from the range 0-191.  So my 
>> question will be why did you use the first byte from 192 - range?
> The WG specifically requested these values. Google was eager to have this 
> algorithms in Chrome, so they chose some values at (almost) random that were 
> not being used by anyone else.

The first cipher suite values we (I remember it was Adam Langley)
chose for our experiments were actually mnemonics: 0xCC13 and 0xCC14,
where "CC" suggests ChaCha and "13" suggests Poly1305. You can see
these values in the sslproto.h file in the first NSS patch:


The definitions of those two cipher suites have since changed, so we
had to change their cipher suite values. But I asked the co-author
Nikos to keep the first byte as 0xCC. I don't know how Nikos chose the
range of the values of the second byte (starting with 0xA0, now 0xA8 -

Wan-Teh Chang

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