Hi Vijay,

> I will appreciate if the "including 'urn:eidr:'" part made it into the draft.


BTW, should I plan on creating a new I-D before the scheduled
telechat, or after?


-- Pierre

On Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 10:21 AM, Vijay K. Gurbani <v...@bell-labs.com> wrote:
> Pierre: Thank you for attending to my comment.  More inline.
> On 07/02/2016 03:30 PM, Pierre-Anthony Lemieux wrote:
>> Hi Vijay,
>> I appreciate the review and comment.
>>> That is, are the schemes (urn, eidr) part of the case-insensitive string
>>> match?
>> Yes, it looks like
>> "Lexical equivalence of EIDR-URN is defined by case-insensitive string
>> match."
>> should say
>> "Lexical equivalence of URN-EIDR is defined by case-insensitive string
>> match."
>> This would confirm that the entire URN-EIDR string defined in
>> "Declaration of syntactic structure" is considered for matching,
>> including "urn:eidr:".
> I will appreciate if the "including 'urn:eidr:'" part made it into the
> draft.  Implementers have varying level understanding as they attempt
> to divine RFC text.  So to the extent that we can make our intent
> explicit with a few additional strokes of the pen (or the keyboard), we
> are all the more better off for it.
> Cheers,
> - vijay
> --
> Vijay K. Gurbani, Bell Laboratories, Nokia Networks
> 1960 Lucent Lane, Rm. 9C-533, Naperville, Illinois 60563 (USA)
> Email: v...@bell-labs.com / vijay.gurb...@nokia-bell-labs.com
> Web: http://ect.bell-labs.com/who/vkg/  | Calendar: http://goo.gl/x3Ogq

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