Thanks for your review, Paul, and thanks for the discussion, Mike.

I think there’s text in 5226bis about it being possible to ask people to post 
to a mailing list.


On 26 Jan 2017, at 22:05, Paul Kyzivat <> wrote:

> On 1/26/17 3:48 PM, Mike Jones wrote:
>> The designated experts are subscribed to the review mailing list.  Either 
>> IANA or individuals can send (or forward) requests to it.  There have been 
>> cases where IANA has directly received requests, which they have forwarded 
>> to the list for review, thereby also reaching the designated experts.  It 
>> works fine in practice and achieves the goals of RFC 5226, even if all the 
>> steps are not literally always done in the same order.
>> The IESG has already approved this kind of procedure for .well-known URI 
>> registrations (using the list, per RFC 5785), 
>> for OAuth registrations (using the list, per RFC 
>> 6749 and RFC 7591), for JOSE registrations (using the 
>> list, per RFC 7515, RFC 7517, and RFC 7518) and for 
>> JWT registrations (using the list, per RFC 7519 and 
>> RFC 7800).  Given all this working existing practice, I don't see a sound 
>> reason for the IESG to reject using this same procedure for an additional 
>> kind of JWT registration.
> In that case the proper thing to do would be to revise RFC5226 to acknowledge 
> this approach. But in the end, if IANA and the IESG are OK with this then so 
> be it.
>> Please don't get me wrong - I do appreciate your detailed scrutiny of the 
>> spec bringing this up.  I think we agree that consistency matters.
> Thanks. IIUC that is the role of Gen-Art reviews.
>       Thanks,
>       Paul
>>                              -- Mike
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Paul Kyzivat []
>> Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2017 12:28 PM
>> To: Mike Jones <>; 
>> Cc: General Area Review Team <>
>> Subject: Re: [Gen-art] Gen-ART Telechat review of 
>> draft-ietf-oauth-amr-values-05
>> Mike,
>> On 1/26/17 2:38 PM, Mike Jones wrote:
>>> Hi Paul,
>>> Per my earlier reply at 
>>>, the 
>>> specified registration procedure is the standard IANA one, prefixed by a 
>>> public review period.  JWT registrations, OAuth registrations, .well-known 
>>> registrations, and others all already work this way.  It works well in 
>>> practice.  Particularly since changing the registration procedure for this 
>>> JWT claim would make it inconsistent with registering JWT claims, I believe 
>>> that the working group would strongly oppose removing the public review 
>>> period step.
>>> I would therefore ask that you withdraw your request to revise the 
>>> registration procedure, on this basis.
>> I'm sorry, but I can't see how what you call for is consistent with what
>> RFC5226 says about the role of IANA with repositories controlled by expert 
>> review.
>> That document *explicitly* says
>>    In many cases, some review of prospective allocations is appropriate,
>>    and the question becomes who should perform the review and what is
>>    the purpose of the review.  One might think that an IETF working
>>    group (WG) familiar with the namespace at hand should be consulted.
>>    In practice, however, WGs eventually disband, so they cannot be
>>    considered a permanent evaluator.  It is also possible for namespaces
>>    to be created through individual submission documents, for which no
>>    WG is ever formed.
>> ...
>>    While discussion on a mailing list can provide valuable technical
>>    feedback, opinions may vary and discussions may continue for some
>>    time without clear resolution.  In addition, IANA cannot participate
>>    in all of these mailing lists and cannot determine if or when such
>>    discussions reach consensus.  Therefore, IANA relies on a "designated
>>    expert" for advice regarding the specific question of whether an
>>    assignment should be made.  The designated expert is an individual
>>    who is responsible for carrying out an appropriate evaluation and
>>    returning a recommendation to IANA.
>> ...
>>    The designated expert is responsible for initiating and coordinating
>>    the appropriate review of an assignment request.  The review may be
>>    wide or narrow, depending on the situation and the judgment of the
>>    designated expert.  This may involve consultation with a set of
>>    technology experts, discussion on a public mailing list, consultation
>>    with a working group (or its mailing list if the working group has
>>    disbanded), etc.  Ideally, the designated expert follows specific
>>    review criteria as documented with the protocol that creates or uses
>>    the namespace.  (See the IANA Considerations sections of [RFC3748]
>>    and [RFC3575] for examples that have been done for specific
>>    namespaces.)
>> ...
>>    Designated experts are appointed by the IESG (normally upon
>>    recommendation by the relevant Area Director).  They are typically
>>    named at the time a document creating or updating a namespace is
>>    approved by the IESG, but as experts originally appointed may later
>>    become unavailable, the IESG will appoint replacements if necessary.
>> ...
>>    In registries where a pool of experts evaluates requests, the pool
>>    should have a single chair responsible for defining how requests are
>>    to be assigned to and reviewed by experts.  In some cases, the expert
>>    pool may consist of a primary and backups, with the backups involved
>>    only when the primary expert is unavailable.  In other cases, IANA
>>    might assign requests to individual members in sequential or
>>    approximate random order.  In the event that IANA finds itself having
>>    received conflicting advice from its experts, it is the
>>    responsibility of the pool's chair to resolve the issue and provide
>>    IANA with clear instructions.
>> Meanwhile, your document says:
>>    IANA must only accept registry updates from the Designated Experts
>>    and should direct all requests for registration to the review mailing
>>    list.
>> So, as I read it, the process according to 5226 would be:
>> 1) IANA receives a request;
>> 2) IANA asks the designated expert (or chairman of a group of experts)
>>    to review the request;
>> 3) expert reviews the request, possibly consulting a mailing list;
>> 4) expert replies to IANA with approval or disapproval;
>> 5) in the case of approval IANA updates the registry.
>> While as I read it the process according to your document would be:
>> 1) If IANA receives a request from a non-expert, it is to refuse it
>>    and refer the requester to the mailing list;
>> 2) the requester sends a request to the mailing list;
>> 3) after discussion, an expert forwards the request to IANA;
>> 4) IANA updates the registry.
>> Hence I don't think that what you call out is consistent with expert review 
>> as defined in RFC5226.
>> Ultimately it is up to the IESG and IANA to decide if they want to allow 
>> this variant procedure.
>>      Thank you,
>>      Paul Kyzivat
>>>                             Thank you,
>>>                             -- Mike
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Paul Kyzivat []
>>> Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2017 9:51 AM
>>> To:
>>> Cc: General Area Review Team <>
>>> Subject: [Gen-art] Gen-ART Telechat review of
>>> draft-ietf-oauth-amr-values-05
>>> I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. The General Area Review 
>>> Team (Gen-ART) reviews all IETF documents being processed by the IESG for 
>>> the IETF Chair. Please wait for direction from your document shepherd or AD 
>>> before posting a new version of the draft. For more information, please see 
>>> the FAQ at <​>.
>>> Document: draft-ietf-oauth-amr-values-05
>>> Reviewer: Paul Kyzivat
>>> Review Date: 2017-01-26
>>> IETF LC End Date: 2016-12-13
>>> IESG Telechat date:2017-01-32
>>> Summary:
>>> This draft is on the right track but has open issues, described in the 
>>> review.
>>> It is generally well written, with much better guidelines for expert 
>>> reviewers than I typically see.
>>> Disclaimer:
>>> I'm not well versed in JSON Web Tokens, so I have not considered the 
>>> pros/cons of having this registry or of the specific values being 
>>> registered. I have focused on the mechanics of the draft.
>>> Issues:
>>> Major: 0
>>> Minor: 1
>>> Nits:  0
>>> (1) Minor:
>>> Section 6.1 says:
>>>     IANA must only accept registry updates from the Designated Experts
>>>     and should direct all requests for registration to the review
>>>     mailing list.
>>> This is inconsistent with the way IANA Expert Review works, as defined in 
>>> section 3 of RFC5226. Requests go through some channel (e.g. IESG review 
>>> for standards track RFCs) to the editor and then IANA actions requiring 
>>> expert review are referred to a designated expert. The expert then approves 
>>> or denies the request, and approved requests are acted upon by IANA.
>>> Direction of requests to a mailing list is not an IANA function, but could 
>>> be done by the expert.
>>> Please revise the text and procedures to be consistent with the way Expert 
>>> Review is intended to work.
>>> (Note: In my earlier last call review of this document I erroneously
>>> cited RFC5526 rather than RFC5226. I have corrected that above.)
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