
You suggestions look good, and I am happy with your reply :)



-----Original Message-----
From: kkinnear [mailto:kkinn...@cisco.com] 
Sent: 02 February 2017 01:07
To: Christer Holmberg <christer.holmb...@ericsson.com>
Cc: Kim Kinnear <kkinn...@cisco.com>; gen-art@ietf.org; 
Subject: Re: Gen-ART review of draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-failover-protocol-04


I have deleted the issues not under discussion.

More comments, indented, below...

> On Feb 1, 2017, at 5:57 PM, Christer Holmberg 
> <christer.holmb...@ericsson.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>>> Q3:        In the Introduction, I suggest adding a reference to the first 
>>> occurrences of “DHCP service” and “DHCP server”.
>>      While I'm more than happy to do this, I don't actually know
>>      what you would like me to reference?  We haven't defined
>>      either "DHCP service" or "DHCP server" in the glossary since
>>      we felt they were reasonably apparent from the context of this
>>      document.  Are you thinking that we should reference RFC3315
>>      on the first occurrence of "DHCP service" and "DHCP server"?
> Yes.

        Ok, I will do so in the next update.
>>> SECTION 4:
>>> Q5:        In the Abstract and Introduction it is said that DHCPv6 does not 
>>> provide server redundancy. Then section 4 talks about failover concepts and 
>>> mechanism.
>>> Are those concepts something used for DHCPv6 today, but for some reason do 
>>> not fulfil the failover protocol requirements?
>>> OR, are these general concepts that will be supported by implementing the 
>>> failover protocol?
>>> I think it would be good to have an introduction statement clarifying that.
>>      The concepts and mechanisms discussed in Section 4 relate to
>>      the failover protocol, they aren't present in the regular
>>      RFC3315(et. al.) DHCPv6 protocol.  I will add the following to
>>      Section 4 to clarify that:
>>      "4.  Failover Concepts and Mechanisms
>>      The following concepts and mechanisms are necessary to the operation
>>      of the failover protocol, and they are not currently employed by
>>      the DHCPv6 protocol [RFC3315].
> That's better. But, will the failover protocol provide support for those 
> concepts? If so, please indicate it.

        How about this:

        "4.  Failover Concepts and Mechanisms

        The following concepts and mechanisms are necessary to the operation
        of the failover protocol, and they are not currently employed by
        the DHCPv6 protocol [RFC3315].  The failover protocol provides
        support for all of these concepts and mechanisms.


Thanks -- Kim

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