Hi Elwyn,

Thank You for the review! Please see inline.

>Ready with nits.  There are a couple of minor issues related to the procedures 
>after inappropriate usage of the new header.
>Major issues:
>Minor issues:
> s3.4.1, last para: In line with the last sentence of Section 3.2, the 
> Content-ID URL only needs to be unique within the SIP message where it occurs.
> I assume it does not make sense to have a Content-ID header combined with a 
>mutipart message-body (this isn't stated - maybe it should be);

I am not aware of any current use-case, but I see no reason to forbid it. 
Perhaps someone will come up with a use-case in future.

> I am not sufficiently knowledgeable in this area of SIP to know if there 
> could be content-id URLs in other headers if there is a Content-ID 
> header in the message.  Thus either the statement about global uniqueness is 
> irrelevant (as there is only one) and can be removed or it 
> should be made consistent with s3.2 so that the Content URLs are unique 
> within the message. Global uniqueness is neither possible or required.

The statement about global uniqueness is a bug, and will be fixed. The value 
only has to be unique within the message.

> s3.4.1, para 1: Following on from the previous comment: Is a UA allowed to 
> add a Content-ID header to a message with a multipart message-body?

I see no reason to forbid it.

> s3.4.1: What should a UA do if it receives a message with a Content-ID header 
> when the message is not allowed to 
> contain one?  Is there some generic error procedure that should be referenced?

Normal RFC 3261 procedures apply. I don't think we want to copy/paste the 
generic header processing rules,

> s6.1: I started looking for specification that told me that items added to 
> the SIP header fields registry effectively
> extend the definition of the message-header production in Section 25.1of RFC 
> 3261.  Bit obvious perhaps, but it 
> would be nice if it had been said somewhere!  Time for an Erratum perhaps?

In the ABNF of RFC 3261, "message-header" contains the header fields defined in 
the RFC, plus "extension-header", which is used for new headers. I assume 
people think that is clear enough :)

Having said that, what you suggest is not necessarily a bad idea, but it is 
outside the scope of this draft.

>Nits/editorial comments:
>Abstract:  I would suggest adding a sentence that clarifies what the update of 
>RFC 5621 is modifying: 
>OLD: The document also updates RFC 5621, to enable a Content-ID URL to 
>reference a complete 
>message-body and metadata provided by some additional SIP header fields. 
>NEW: The document  also updates RFC 5621, which only allows a Content-ID URL 
>to reference a 
>body-part that is part of a multipart message-body.  This update enables a 
>Content-ID URL to 
>reference a complete message-body and metadata provided by some additional SIP 
>header fields. END

Looks ok. I will modify as suggested.

>s1.2, first bullet: s/for providing location/for providing location 

Will be fixed as suggested.

>s1.4.1: Need to expand UAC (User Agent Client) on first usage.

I realized the first usage is in section 1.3, so I will expend it there.

>s1.4.1, para 1: s/can be e.g. of/can be, for example, of/

Will be fixed as suggested.

>s3.4.1: Need to expand UA (User Agent) on first usage (in section title).

Will be fixed as suggested.

>s4, NEW text: s/allow creating/allow the creation of/

Will be fixed as suggested.



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