Thank Brian for valuable review to this document, please see my reply below.

发件人: Brian Carpenter [] 
发送时间: 2017年10月14日 12:40
主题: Genart telechat review of draft-ietf-lime-yang-connectionless-oam-methods-09

Reviewer: Brian Carpenter
Review result: Ready with Issues

Gen-ART *Last Call* review of draft-ietf-lime-yang-connectionless-oam-methods-09

I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. The General Area Review Team 
(Gen-ART) reviews all IETF documents being processed by the IESG for the IETF 
Chair.  Please treat these comments just like any other last call comments.

For more information, please see the FAQ at 

Document: draft-ietf-lime-yang-connectionless-oam-methods-09.txt
Reviewer: Brian Carpenter
Review Date: 2017-10-14
IETF LC End Date: 2017-10-25
IESG Telechat date: 2017-10-26

Summary: Ready with issues


The shepherd says:

> This includes at least two different implementations of the model, as 
> well as product and demos at Bits-n-Bytes.

Shouldn't WGs make routine use of BCP 205, RFC 7942 "Improving Awareness of 
Running Code: The Implementation Status Section"?

Minor Issues:

In the following:

         |  +--ro min-delay-value?         uint32
         |  +--ro max-delay-value?         uint32
         |  +--ro average-delay-value?     uint32
         +--ro session-jitter-statistics
         |  +--ro time-resolution-value?   identityref
         |  +--ro min-jitter-value?        uint32
         |  +--ro max-jitter-value?        uint32
         |  +--ro average-jitter-value?    uint32

what are the units for the delay-value and jitter-value elements, and what 
definition of 'jitter' is intended?

[Qin]: Delay supports various time units such as s,ms,ns and etc.
To represent this using YANG construct, we introduce a new parameter 
time-resolution-value as follows:
   |     +--ro session-delay-statistics
   |     |  +--ro time-resolution-value?   identityref
   |     |  +--ro min-delay-value?         uint32
   |     |  +--ro max-delay-value?         uint32
   |     |  +--ro average-delay-value?     uint32
With this time-resolution-value parameter, we can support various different 
time unit.
The same is applied to jitter. As clarified in the introduction, the definition 
of 'jitter' is used to 
monitor reachability of destinations, troubleshoot failures, monitor 

  identity protocol-id-internet {
    base protocol-id;
      "Internet Protocols.";

It isn't clear what "Internet Protocols" means. It seems totally non-specific.

[Qin]: It is referred to a standard protocol (e.g., TCP/IP protocols, ICMP, 
We can make this clear by adding a few clarification text in the description of 

  identity protocol-id-propreitary {
    base protocol-id;
      "Propreitary protocol (eg.,IP SLA).";


[Qin]: Thanks and will get this fixed.
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