> On Jan 29, 2018, at 1:12 PM, Pete Resnick <presn...@qti.qualcomm.com> wrote:
>> 8. Section 4:
>> 'It is anticipated that
>>   those roles will evolve.  The IASA is responsible for keeping the
>>   community informed in this regard, and MAY do so without updating
>>   this memo.'
>> I would be a little concerned if some of the key roles would change without
>> this document being updated. I understand the need to be flexible, but we 
>> need
>> to put some limits. Maybe at least emphasize the need to inform the community
>> by a MUST. For example:
>> 'It is anticipated that
>>   those roles will evolve.  The IASA MUST keep the
>>   community informed in this regard, and MAY do so without updating
>>   this memo.'
> I don't think the MUST significantly changes the meaning, so I'm ambivalent 
> about the change. Since this text was put in to address a comment in AD 
> Evaluation, I'm inclined to hear from Alissa.

Perhaps the concern could be addressed by saying “without first updating this 
memo”? The point I raised is that this document shouldn’t gate the ability for 
the roles to change, but certainly if they do change the document should be 
updated (or obsoleted by a new document) to match the reality.

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