Looks good Pascal. Thanks for your quick update!


On 31/01/2020, 10:55, "Pascal Thubert (pthubert)" <pthub...@cisco.com> wrote:

    Hello Francesca:
    Many thanks for your review : )
    > Summary: This draft is basically ready for publication. However, I 
noticed the
    > normative reference to an informative document, draft-ietf-lwig-6lowpan-
    > virtual-reassembly (ref. 'LWIG-VRB'), which is problematic, since this 
draft is
    > on the standard track.
    Moved both this and the reference to recoverable frags to informational. 
They are just illustrative anyway.
    > Major issues: -
    > Minor issues: -
    > Nits/editorial comments:
    > * Last paragraph of Section 5, I suggest a minor reformulation for 
    > OLD:
    >    An associated
    >    caveat is that on a half duplex radio, if node A sends the next
    >    fragment at the same time as node B forwards the previous fragment to
    >    a node C down the path then node B will miss the next fragment.
    > NEW:
    >    An associated
    >    caveat is that on a half duplex radio, if node A sends the next
    >    fragment at the same time as node B forwards the previous fragment to
    >    a node C down the path then node B will miss the next fragment from 
    > A.
    Applied, and published 09. Please let me know if we are all set now? 
    Again, many thanks, Francesca!

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