Hi Bala'zs,

Thank you for the reply and clarifications. I still have a question on Q2.

    >> The first line of the 2nd paragraph of the Introduction says:
    >> “This document describes the concepts needed by any DetNet data plane 
    >> What is meant by DetNet data plane specification? The definition of 
DetNet flows over a specific network technology? Please clarify, or reference 
if already defined elsewhere.
    > <BV> Data plane documents focuses how DetNet packets are recognized and 
served according to DetNet service and forwarding sub-layer functions. 
    >The next sentence is intended to clarify that.

    The next sentence is fine. It is just a little unclear to me what the 
definition of DetNet data plane specification actually is. Is it a 
specification that 
    defines the combination of service sub-layer using protocol X and 
forwarding sub-layer using protocol Y?



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