
Via Mike Godwin:



“Most of the female students were unwilling to go on in computer science
 because of the stereotypes they had grown up with,” said Zachary Dodds,
 a computer scientist at Mudd. “We realized we were helping perpetuate 
that by teaching such a standard course.”        
To reduce the intimidation factor, the course was divided into two 
sections — “gold,” for those with no prior experience, and “black” for 
everyone else. Java, a notoriously opaque programming language, was 
replaced by a more accessible language called Python. And the focus of 
the course changed to computational approaches to solving problems 
across science.        
“We realized that we needed to show students computer science is not all
 about programming,” said Ran Libeskind-Hadas, chairman of the 
department. “It has intellectual depth and connections to other 

Most of the article is about Dr Maria Klawe, who seems to be a very inspiring 

Best wishes,


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