On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 4:28 PM, Karen Sue Rolph <karenro...@hotmail.com>wrote:

>  Dear esteemed colleagues,


> I recently referred to Anita S.  I don't know her, don't know how she
> would be contacted, Andreas.  I don't know if she contributes to Wikipedia,
> even.  Anyone who might have weighed in without first exploring the nature
> of her work missed it's essence.  Evidence is useful to this forum and its
> mission.
> KSRolph

Dear Karen,

I have contacted Anita, and hope she will have time to look in.

(As for the threading of topics, I suspect that gmail handles the thread
structure better than hotmail. In gmail, all the posts that belong to a
given topic always appear together, in one long list, so it's easier to see
what preceded any given post.)

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