Thanks Henk, this covers all of my concerns very well.

On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 2:40 AM Henk P. Penning <> wrote:

> On Thu, 19 Jul 2018, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> > Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2018 14:43:05 +0200
> > From: Bertrand Delacretaz <>
> > To:
> > Subject: Clarifying the process for PMCs adopting codebases from the
> Attic
> Hi Bertrand,
>    thanks for your help ; appreciated.
> > I just subscribed here - we had a discussion about this at yesterday's
> > Board meeting (thanks Henk for joining that), I think it's good to
> > clarify this and here looks like the best place.
> >
> > IIUC the first occurence that just happened is
> >
> >
> > I didn't have a good phone link for that meeting yesterday so might
> > have missed some details but I felt like there was some confusion
> > between "project" and "codebase".
> >
> > IMO, focusing on the adoption of the codebase, while keeping the
> > project's state as "in the Attic" with as few changes as possible
> > helps simplify and clarify what's happening.
> >
> > So here we go, here's a tentative set of principles for PMCs adopting
> > codebases which are currently in the Attic.
> >
> > 1. When a project goes to the Attic, its PMC is terminated, which
> > means that the Apache Project ceases to exist.
> >
> > 2. The project's codebase, on the other hand, continues to exist in
> > the Attic. It's just frozen, so the ASF is not expected for example to
> > provide security fixes for code that's in the Attic.
> >
> > 3. If there's renewed interest in the project, it might be revived by
> > recreating a PMC, either via the Incubator or directly, as happens for
> > top-level projects. I don't think this has happened so far but it
> > feels easy to handle using existing processes.
> >
> > 4. Another option for the *codebase* (or part of it) to become active
> > again is for an existing PMC to adopt it, which is what happened in
> >
> >
> > If the above makes sense, I suggest the following (also tentative)
> > rules, assuming the codebase that's in the Attic belonged to project
> > FROM and it's the TO PMC which adopts it.
> >
> > a) TO can adopt the FROM codebase that's in the attic, provided it's
> > not been adopted by a different PMC so far
> >
> > b) Various modules of FROM might be adopted by different PMCs
>    Re a) and b) ; splitting the codebase complicates matters a lot ;
>    it is not "on the [attic] menu" ; it is not the current 'problem'.
>    For now, let's not go there.
>    Below I assume (regarding codebase) it is "all or nothing".
>    [ Note that many other PMCs have split the codebase ;
>      for example Hadoop is a split-of of Lucune ;
>    ]
>    [ Note that Attic is very reluctant to change the FROM website
>    ; we've worked hard at not having to touch it
>    ; The "this project is in the attic" notices on every html pages
>      are generated /outside/ the FROM website (by a lua filter)
>    ]
> > c) For this to happen, a positive vote of the Attic PMC is sufficient,
> > on this list, backed by a JIRA ticket to describe the details and
> > actions
>    I don't think a possitive Attic vote is sufficient or even required.
>    As Jim pointed out, the board resolution that terminated FROM,
>    also tasked Attic with "oversight over the software [of FROM]" ;
>    that is, to freeze it.
>    Only another board resolution can relieve Attic of that task,
>    and responsibility.
>    So, Attic does nothing until Board formally decides.
>    If/when Board passes a resolution that moves oversight of the
>    codebase from Attic to TO, Attic unatticks FROM.
> > d) When that happens, the FROM website is updated to indicate that TO
> > adopted the code, saying something like "The TO PMC has now adopted
> > the FROM codebase", indicating exactly which part(s) of the codebase
> > have been adopted. No other change is made to that website, it remains
> > frozen apart from that note. TO can copy the website content under
> > their own to evolve it, but the original domain
> > content must stay as it was when FROM moved to the Attic.
>    Not applicable if TO "takes all".
> > e) The Attic website is updated with that same information
> >
> > f) TO can release the FROM modules that it adopted, using names like
> > TOO-FROM-module-V1.2.3 to differentiate those artifacts from the older
> > ones that FROM released - adding the TOO prefix to their names, both
> > for release archives and things like Java jars, etc.
>    This is a key-point :
>    This name change is exactly what POI wanted to avoid ;
>    XMLbeans users want (maven-name-space) continuity ; not change.
>    The fact that XMLbeans is "under new management" should not be
>    visible to users ; project management stuff is an ASF-internal
>    thing.
>    This is the 'Project' vs 'Product' discusion. The ASF presents
>    its products divided by organisation-lines (PMCs) ; in general,
>    that is bad idea. It is hard to fix, because of the way the ASF
>    is managed (strongly independent PMC's).
> > g) Java package names etc. can remain as they were, for convenience
>    Not applicable if TO "takes all".
> > How does this sound?
>    I think the "TO takes all" (as was done in the POI/XMLbeans case)
>    works well ; I see no problems in the future, should it happen again.
> > Maybe this is how ATTIC-169 has been handled, though the note at
> > saying that XMLBeans was "revived" can be
> > understood as the project getting back to life which is not the case
> > IMO - it's only the codebase that's been adopted.
> >
> > Also, I don't see an Attic mention at and
> > I think that's not good as per d) above.
> >
> > -Bertrand
>    Thanks ; regards,
>    Henk Penning
> ------------------------------------------------------------   _
> Henk P. Penning, ICT-beta                 R Uithof MG-403    _/ \_
> Faculty of Science, Utrecht University    T +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
> Leuvenlaan 4, 3584CE Utrecht, NL          F +31 30 253 4553 \_/ \_/
> M     \_/

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