On Thursday June 9 2005 09:58, Andrew Baudouin spake:
> On the subject of Microsoft's new CLI, Monad:
> Why should you be worried? Were Microsoft to develop the best CLI ever
> conceived, it wouldn't take bash, tcsh or zsh or whatever is your
> shell of choice
> Flash-forward to now, as one of the other areas in which Linux scores
> over Windows (a UNIX command-line is an awesome and enjoyable tool to
> use; the Windows command line, by contrast, is a rubber hammer with
> nails in the handle :)) may well be snatched away, and we see the same
> thing: people are hoping against hope that Microsoft foul it up,
> because if they don't another area of Linux superiority disappears,
> along with another shred of their self-esteem.

Yes, bash and other shells are important, and highly useful. However, you're 
forgetting UNIX pipes, or the ability to string commands together. A cool 
shell language without pipes may be flashy, but not enough to steal our 

Anyway, if you install cygwin or Redmond's own SFU, you get a limited 
implementation of bash and pipes --- the underlying operating system and 
fundamental way of doing things is still anchored in GUI.

Lastly, pipes are argueably the only thing UNIX actually got right (re: the 
unix-haters handbook). I cannot conceive of Microsoft improving on pipes. 
This is all marketing --- "we never much cared for the UNIX way, but we're 
gonna invent something that'll blow it way, you just watch". Yeah, right.


Joey Kelly
< Minister of the Gospel | Linux Consultant >

"I may have invented it, but Bill made it famous."
 --- David Bradley, the IBM employee that invented CTRL-ALT-DEL
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From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Thu Jun  9 10:37:35 2005
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Will Hill)
Date: Thu Jun  9 10:37:32 2005
Subject: [brlug-general] Best Slashdot Post Ever
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Everyone wishes Microsoft would behave and make useful things.  The problem is 
that they don't, they know they don't but then say it's the "best ever" and 
pour scorn, spam, litigation and worse on everyone else.  It would be 
wonderful if their software was not a buggy piece of shit responsible for the 
vast majority of all that ills internet commerce, device durability and 
usability.  There can be no question that everyone wishes they would do 

To get there, Microsoft will have to change their entire business model and 
spend more time writing code and less time advertising stuff that may be 
available in five years.  It's doubtful they will do any such thing.  Their 
last forray into the best shell ever is worth remembering.  See question 5 


We have been here before and we'll go there again until M$ runs out of $.

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