Hey Keith, thanks for your feedback. You can see from the command line bit I
pasted that it should not be necessary to include a -w and -c value,
although initially when installed the command did have those arguments. I
removed them for the sake of testing, but I'm happy to try with them added
to the command again.

Using NSClient++, was there anything you needed to do on the client-side in
order to make it play right? I'm thinking there should not be.

On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 2:50 PM, Keith Stokes <kei...@neill.net> wrote:

> I've been using Nagios for 5+ years and as such, have a massive config from
> the old 1.x version.  I use NSClient+ on the Windows side.
> All of my commands for disk space require defining Critical and Warning
> levels.
> i.e.
> define command{
>        command_name    check_nt_disk_d
>        command_line    /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nt -H $HOSTADDRESS$
> -p 1248 -v USEDDISKSPACE -l d -w 95% -c 98%
>        }
> On Mar 24, 2011, at 2:39 PM, Jarred White wrote:
>  Hi all, looking for my Nagios gurus out there.
>> I'm trying to monitor some Windows systems using Nagios through OSSIM.
>> OSSIM is just an SIEM platform that rolls a bunch of open source security
>> stuff like snort, nagios, ntop, openvas, etc. into one nice package with a
>> great web interface. It ships with Nagios3, and it sort of has its own idea
>> of where/how nagios configs should be placed.
>> Regardless, I am trying to use the "check_nt" command to poll various
>> information on my Windows servers. So far, a lot of the checks are working
>> properly, but some are not and I can't figure out why. The cfg file for the
>> server has the following service check for disk usage:
>> # Create a service for monitoring D:\ disk usage
>> # Change the host_name to match the name of the host you defined above
>> define service{
>>        use                     generic-service
>>        host_name               SERVERNAME
>>        service_description     D:\ Drive Space
>>        check_command           check_nt!USEDDISKSPACE!-l d
>>        }
>> Within the actual OSSIM web site where you can see statistics/info on your
>> monitored systems, it shows an "OKAY" for many of the checks, but for this
>> USEDDISKSPACE check, it says: missing -l parameters
>> That references check_nt, I am fairly certain means "nt.cfg" which is
>> located at /etc/nagios-plugins/config and has the following content:
>> # 'check_nt' command definition
>> define command {
>>        command_name    check_nt
>>        command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nt -H '$HOSTADDRESS$'
>> -p 12489 -v '$ARG1$' '$ARG2$' '$ARG3$'
>> }
>> I hardcoded the port into that command as none of the checks were working
>> at all without it. Now the checks for memory, CPU, etc. work - but this one
>> still doesn't. Moving on.
>> The file located at /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nt seems to be a binary
>> file of some sort. I am assuming that because catting it just spits out a
>> bunch of garbage.
>> The "-l d" argument above tells it to check the disk space on drive letter
>> D. I know that check_nt is working properly because if I manually run it
>> from the command line, it's successful:
>> hostname:/etc/nagios-plugins/config# /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nt -H
>> -p 12489 -v USEDDISKSPACE -l d
>> d:\ - total: 2.00 Gb - used: 0.01 Gb (1%) - free 1.99 Gb (99%) | 'd:\ Used
>> Space'=0.01Gb;0.00;0.00;0.00;2.00
>> So, that works. Where is the disconnect between what I'm doing on the
>> command line and what's in the config script? I'm at a loss. Any feedback or
>> assistance is greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks all!
>> --
>> "The world's my oyster, a hotel room's my prison cell..."
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> Keith Stokes
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