On 06/21/2013 08:43 AM, Adam J. Hogan wrote:
>> Is Google Play safe to use, or is there a safe way to use it?
> It seems
>> to be the only place to go for downloading apps.  It appears to be
> very
>> commercially oriented, at least as compared to the N810 Maemo
> store, and
>> I find it rather difficult to find what I am looking for when browsing
>> it.  I am mostly used to using Open Source software and open software
>> repositories, and find the highly commercial orientation of Google
> Play
>> to be very distracting.  Any tips?
> Perhaps creating a dummy account to install apps from Google Play
> may help. Free/open source apps are occasionally post the install
> packages (apks) on their sites. Other app stores, such as Amazon
> Apps, exist but raise similar privacy concerns.

FDroid has lots of packages too if you want to avoid G-play:


Jonathan Kulp

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