Not really. My ping times to quakelive servers got higher than usual
but not by much. Cox techs, at least the ones who came out to my
place, were mostly incompetent. In all their tests, the "signals" were
good but my modem would disconnect every few hours or so. The modem
will be back online within minutes. Won't notice that while browsing
but when you on a video calls, you will. I changed my cable modem
twice but that did not resolve it. I went ahead and changed the coax
from the drop outside to my house to the attic distribution box and
change out cable from the distribution box to the cable modem. And
that fixed the issue.

>I don't want to move to another ISP, but if it comes down to it, i will.
haha... Like you have a real choice. Unless you wan to go commercial,
you only other choice is ATT and they suck too.

Find out if your modem's S/N ratio is in the acceptable range and if
you have the latest firmware.  If you call cox tech and if you are
lucky, you will get someone who will know the answer to this. I think
for Cisco Modems you can access the power and S/N at

Here's my Modem's Power and S/N ratio:

Here are some of my speed test results:
Cox plan speed: 50 Mbps down/ 10 Mbps up Results
To LUS: 64.27 Mbps Down/ 21.10 Mbps up   Ping: 24ms

To Cox NO: 65.41 Mbps Down/ 21.20 Mbps up Ping: 20ms

To UT Houston: 54.45 Mbps Down/ 23.63 Mbps up Ping: 29ms

nuttcp network test to my desktop at work. The desktop is on LONI with
100 Mbps to commodity.

poobal@daedalus:~$ sudo nuttcp -r -il -p 8760 -P 8759 bhope
    2.1875 MB /   1.00 sec =   18.3442 Mbps     0 retrans
    6.6250 MB /   1.00 sec =   55.5860 Mbps     0 retrans
    7.6875 MB /   1.00 sec =   64.4885 Mbps     0 retrans
    7.4375 MB /   1.00 sec =   62.3913 Mbps     0 retrans
    7.6875 MB /   1.00 sec =   64.4865 Mbps     0 retrans
    7.6250 MB /   1.00 sec =   63.9410 Mbps     0 retrans
    7.7500 MB /   1.00 sec =   65.0234 Mbps     0 retrans
    7.6875 MB /   1.00 sec =   64.4954 Mbps     0 retrans
    7.7500 MB /   1.00 sec =   65.0168 Mbps     0 retrans
    7.6875 MB /   1.00 sec =   64.4800 Mbps     0 retrans

   71.7388 MB /  10.24 sec =   58.7872 Mbps 0 %TX 17 %RX 0 retrans 29.97 msRTT

poobal@daedalus:~$ sudo nuttcp -t -il -p 8760 -P 8759 bhope
    1.5625 MB /   1.00 sec =   13.1070 Mbps     0 retrans
    3.6875 MB /   1.00 sec =   30.9329 Mbps     0 retrans
    1.3125 MB /   1.00 sec =   11.0101 Mbps     0 retrans
    1.2500 MB /   1.00 sec =   10.4857 Mbps     0 retrans
    1.2500 MB /   1.00 sec =   10.4858 Mbps     0 retrans
    1.2500 MB /   1.00 sec =   10.4858 Mbps     0 retrans
    1.2500 MB /   1.00 sec =   10.4854 Mbps     0 retrans
    1.2500 MB /   1.00 sec =   10.4859 Mbps     0 retrans
    1.2500 MB /   1.00 sec =   10.4857 Mbps     0 retrans
    1.2500 MB /   1.00 sec =   10.4860 Mbps     0 retrans

   15.9375 MB /  10.52 sec =   12.7116 Mbps 0 %TX 4 %RX 0 retrans 30.67 msRTT

On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 10:00 PM, Brad Bendily <> wrote:
> Does anyone else have cox internet and notice much slower speed and
> reliability in the evenings?
> I've been running smokeping for a few weeks and every evening, about 7-11
> speed and latency is very sporadic. I'm not 100% how long this has been a
> problem but back in april/may I started a new project where I have been
> working from home more and need to use a VPN to connect to another network.
> Actually, two different VPNs on two different networks. One, is Dell
> Sonicwall and the other is a Cisco. The Cisco, is surprisingly very stable
> and even though the network is flakey the Cisco stays connected. But the
> Sonicwall is very sensitive to the network outages. Any time the network
> glitches the Sonicwall disconnects and all my SSH connections drop. Now I
> RDP to a server on the network and run the SSH sessions from there. So I
> don't lose everything.
> But, this brings me back to Cox's evening service. A tech came out about a
> month ago and checked my signals which were all in the good range, he even
> replaced the cable modem on good faith. Even though the one I had was only a
> few months old.I replaced a much older linksys docsis2, with the Cisco
> docsis3 modem. So, the tech replaced my modem with mostly the same model
> modem, but still the signals are good. Normally, running a speed test on
>, i get around 30Mbps down, 15Mbps up. Just now, i got .75Mbps
> down, and 4Mbps up.
> My smokeping is hitting 3 Cox DNS servers and one of their web servers and a
> handful of other high profile servers. As well as two of my own personal,
> which have no traffic and should be no lag what so ever. Yet smokeping shows
> dropped packets and higher latency.
> I've called a few more times to try to explain the problem again. Monday i
> called and the guy said they will send someone to check from the house out.
> Last night I called and the person wanted to schedule a tech to come to the
> house again. I asked for level 2 support and was put on hold for an hour. I
> eventually hung up.
> If I were just web surfing, i would probably have never noticed and probably
> wouldn't care, but now that i'm using the VPN a lot it would be nice to have
> stable service in the evenings.
> has anyone else run into this and have any suggestions about how I can get
> to the bottom of it with cox?
> I don't want to move to another ISP, but if it comes down to it, i will.
> thoughts? suggestions? bullshit remarks from jarred?
> --
> Have Mercy & Say Yeah
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Karthik Poobalasubramanian
Louisiana Board of Regents
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