> I don't think fn:base-uri is actually what you're looking
> for. In this case, it happens to coincide with the document
> URI. However, in general, base URIs are mutable for
> individual nodes, even within the same document. For example,
> when resolving XInclude links, you could use the base URI on
> the "expanded" (i.e. resolved) node to indicate where it came
> from and, perhaps, how to resolve any nested links. (This is,
> in fact, what the built-in Modular Document functions do
> <http://developer.marklogic.com/pubs/4.0/apidocs/XInclude.html
> >.) In this case, the base URI would not necessarily be the
> same as the URI of the document (node). I'd recommend
> xdmp:node-uri
> <http://developer.marklogic.com/pubs/4.1/apidocs/Extension.htm
> l#xdmp:node-uri>.

It all depends on which uri you are looking for. But perhaps xdmp:node-uri 
could indeed help Helen get further with her problem..

Kind regards,

Drs. G.P.H. Josten

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