Hello there,

we have different kind of papers so our data are in 3 different DTDs. 

When I do search I need to do a search across all the 3 DTD data.  For example 
I need to search an author's name "smith" in an area that keyword="aaa", I 
think maybe the option node will be like the following, but I'm new to search 
api, and I'm wondering is there any better ways to do it, or even did I do it 

let $opnode := <options xmlns="http://marklogic.com/appservices/search";>
               <constraint name="s-conference-author">
                      <element ns="conf-ns" name="conference-author"/> 
               <constraint name="s-article-author">
                      <element ns="article-ns" name="article-author"/> 
               <constraint name="s-book-author">
                      <element ns="book-ns" name="book-author"/> 
               <constraint name="s-conference-keyword">
                      <element ns="conf-ns" name="conference-keyword"/> 
               <constraint name="s-article-keyword">
                      <element ns="article-ns" name="article-keyword"/> 
               <constraint name="s-book-keyword">
                      <element ns="book-ns" name="book-keyword"/> 
search:search("  (s-conference-author:smith or s-article-author:smith or  
s-book-author:smith)  and (s-conference-keyword or s-article-keyword or 
s-book-keyword) ", $opnode)  

Thanks, Helen

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