We have a system that needs to deal with articles going through staging stage 
and production stage. Basically when article comes in, it stays in staging 
stage. After a lot of operations and verifications the article gets published, 
then at this time it will be moved to production stage. The article's content 
can be changed during staging stage  and can also be changed when moving to 
production stage.

I'm thinking of two ways to do it:
1. One  way is to put the data into separate directories within the same 
database, like staging articles will be under /staging directory, production 
articles will be under /prod directory.  Using this way I only need to manage 
one database, and maybe in the future if I need to search data cross stage, it 
is doable. But inside code I have to constantly check if I'm in staging stage 
or production stage so that my search or article's uri will be build correctly.

2. Another way is to use different database for each stage. Using this way the 
article's uri can be the same, a lot of code can be the same because they will 
work in separate database, as long as database is pointing correct, the code 
will return correct dataset.  But if in the future we ever want to do a search 
cross stage, it is going to be a problem.

Does anyone has any suggestions on this?

Thanks in advance for your help,

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