AWS computes signatures based on the encoded data, which I believe to be the 
result of signature checking being in the wrong layer of the service 
architecture.  As a result they are sensitive to differences in hex digit 
capitalization, and to the precise set of reserved characters, which is not 
universally standardized.  Because xdmp:url-encode does not conform to their 
specifications, and may be subject to change, a new version was added to ensure 

I'm sorry to say there's no xdmp:hmac-sha1.  One of the benefits of adding 
undocumented functions to support specific features is a reduction in the cost 
of testing, documentation, and completeness. There has been discussion in the 
past of including a full suite of public crypto functions, wrapping more of 
what's already present in the OpenSSL library, but I don't believe there's a 
plan to do that at this time.  Add your voice to the RFE process if you crave 
this functionality.

Sam Neth
Lead Engineer
MarkLogic Corporation

On May 8, 2011, at 8:56 AM, Geert Josten wrote:


Browsing through the MarkLogic built-in Modules in search for some modules I 
knew must be there, my eye was caught by the EC2 and AWS modules. Scanning 
through them I noticed the use of the following undocumented functions:

- xdmp:aws-url-encode
- xdmp:hmac-sha256

Can anyone explain in which way xdmp:aws-url-encode differs from 
xdmp:url-encode. And since there is an hmac-sha256 function, is there a 
hmac-sha1 function as well?

Kind regards,
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