
I am seriously interested in your dataset ... any chance we can
discuss offlist ?


On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 10:14 PM, Alex Milowski <> wrote:
> I went in to my rather large database and dropped a geospatial
> attribute pair index that I don't need.  That index was on probably
> 99% of the content in the database.
> I also added a geospatial attribute pair index for a very small set of
> content (about 10,000 small documents).
> So, dropped an index on millions of documents and added an index on
> around 10,000 documents.
> It looks like I'm in the process of a huge reindex now.  I can't tell
> be cause the database status page never returns.  When it did, it gave
> me the following error.
> Keep in mind that I rarely get any forest/merge information on this
> database because the status page, after a long wait, regularly gives
> me:
> "There is currently an XDMP-OLDSTAMP: Timestamp too old for forest
> weather exception. Information on this page may be missing."
> I know it will eventually settle down but I can't really tell what is
> going on.  Shouldn't there be something in the logs about re-indexing?
>  Is there some other way to get status information?
> 500: Internal Server Error
> XDMP-EXTIME: let $forests as xs:unsignedLong* :=
> xdmp:database-forests($dbnode/db:database-id, fn:true()) -- Time limit
> exceeded
> In /lib/database-status-form.xqy on line 267
> In displayForm()
> $dbnode = <database xmlns="";
> xmlns:xsi="";><database-id>15944900662090440733</database-id><database-name>we...</database>
> $forests = <forest-id xmlns="";
> xmlns:xsi="";>11780037656355209513</forest-id>
> In /lib/database-status-form.xqy on line 1983
> In databaseStatusPage(<xs:schema
> targetNamespace="";
> xsi:schemaLocation=" XMLSchema.xsd
> http://marklogic...."; attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
> elementFormDefault="unqualified"
> xmlns:xhtml="";
> xmlns:xsi="";
> xmlns:xs="";
> xmlns:sec="";
> xmlns:admin="";
> xmlns="";><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>&#10;
> Database configurati...</xs:schema>, <databases
> xsi:schemaLocation=" database.xsd"
> timestamp="13407369745517960"
> xmlns="";
> xmlns:xsi="";><database><database-id>403500397113234379</database-id><database...</databases>,
> ())
> $schemaroot = <xs:schema
> targetNamespace="";
> xsi:schemaLocation=" XMLSchema.xsd
> http://marklogic...."; attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
> elementFormDefault="unqualified"
> xmlns:xhtml="";
> xmlns:xsi="";
> xmlns:xs="";
> xmlns:sec="";
> xmlns:admin="";
> xmlns="";><xs:annotation><xs:documentation>&#10;
> Database configurati...</xs:schema>
> $datanode = <databases
> xsi:schemaLocation=" database.xsd"
> timestamp="13407369745517960"
> xmlns="";
> xmlns:xsi="";><database><database-id>403500397113234379</database-id><database...</databases>
> $msgs = ()
> In /database-status.xqy on line 16
> --
> --Alex Milowski
> "The excellence of grammar as a guide is proportional to the paucity of the
> inflexions, i.e. to the degree of analysis effected by the language
> considered."
> Bertrand Russell in a footnote of Principles of Mathematics
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