We got similar error and apparently the permission on the storage space mounted 
on the Marklogic server had  changed to Read only. We had to reboot the 
physical server to resolve this issue.

Best Regards,
Kashif Khan
Sr. Solutions Architect
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Orlando, FL
Office: (407) 345-3420
Cell: (407) 949-4697

"The water you touch in the river is the last of that which has passed and the 
first of that which is coming" --Leonardo da Vinci

From: Nelson Wells 
Reply-To: MarkLogic Developer Discussion 
Date: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 2:47 PM
To: "general@developer.marklogic.com<mailto:general@developer.marklogic.com>" 
Subject: [MarkLogic Dev General] XDMP:FORESTERR SVC-MAPINI can't merge forest

Hi all,

I'm having an issue with a MarkLogic instance that hosts several app servers 
and databases.   I've had trouble tracking the issue down since I can't 
reproduce the problem, but I do have a suspicion as to why it is happening.  
Before I go any further, here is the text of the message pulled from the ML 
error log.

XDMP-FORESTNOT: xdmp:eval("xquery version &quot;1.0-ml&quot;;&#10;              
           ...", (fn:QName("", "collections"), "endpoints", fn:QName("", 
"content"), ...), <options 
xmlns="xdmp:eval"><database>14426517848108531411</database></options>) -- 
Forest logs-1 not available: XDMP-FORESTERR: Error in merge of forest logs-1: 
SVC-MAPINI: Mapped file initialization error: CreateFile 'C:\Program 
Files\MarkLogic\Data\Forests\logs-1\00003e57\Timestamps': The process cannot 
access the file because it is being used by another process.

Currently, there are 10 app servers running different instances of the same 
app.  There is also a "logs" database that is not bound to any app server.  
However, each application writes to that same logs database via an eval 
statement.  Well, when any request is made to any of the 10 app servers, a log 
is written to the logs database.  I suspect that it is possible that, because 
10 different app servers are writing to the same database constantly, it is 
possible that the MarkLogic process itself doesn't let go of the files 
necessary to perform the merge long enough to actually do the merge, but this 
is just speculation.

Is this a plausible explanation?  If not, has anyone had any experience with 
this particular error message and a possible fix?  The only resource I've found 
that references SVC-MAPINI doesn't seem to be the same issue: 
Also, for all of the databases, including the logs database, transaction 
locking and journaling are set to “fast.”  Could these settings, or any others, 
be responsible or at least alleviate the problem?

Thanks all,

Nelson Wells
Application Developer


1801 West End, Suite 1000
Nashville, TN 37203


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