I have a few high level constraints/facets that are based on collections (i.e., 
I simply gave no prefix in the specification and I get a facet for "collection" 
with the counts of all the docs in each collection).

Now, I also have a bunch of other facets that I want to show up but only when 
someone picks a particular content type (different content types have different 
facets), i.e., someone clicks on one of the high level content types.

I'm assuming that the only way I can modify the sidebar behavior for facets is 
to modify javascript - create custom javascript.  Is this correct?  Or is there 
I way I can accomplish this in an easier fashion?
If I have to change the javascript, is there an example of how to do this 

Also, I guess at a minimum, I'd like to have the ability to easily specify 
whether I wanted the facet to appear opened/expanded or closed.  So, for 
example, I'd like my collection facets to appear opened, but other range index 
facets to appear closed since there will be a lot of them and they will each 
have a lot of values.

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