Hello David,

custom/app-config.js was added in the maintenance release of MarkLogic
after ML6.0.

Please upgrade and use latest release of 6.0-2.3 and once you deploy a
new app from appbuilder you will see this new custom/app-config.js

hth, Jim Fuller

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 8:04 PM, Steiner, David J. (LNG-DAY)
<david.j.stei...@elsevier.com> wrote:
> Ganesh and Mike,
> Thanks.  I understand what you’ve said here...
> However, I do not see a “custom/app-config.js” file.
> /application/custom/
> /application/custom/app.css
> /application/custom/app.js
> /application/custom/app.xsl
> /application/custom/contact.html
> /application/custom/content.xsl
> /application/custom/help.html
> /application/custom/rewrite.xml
> /application/custom/terms.html
> Are you saying that I need to create one?
> app-config.js is not mentioned in the Application Builder Developer’s Guide.
> Is it just a “known thing” that if you create a file with “-config” on it,
> it get’s loaded?  Or does it just load all “.js” in alphabetical order?
> The only files I see with “app” in the name in the custom directory are
> app.css, app.xml and app.js.
> If I am supposed to create a file called app-config.js, do I just upload it
> via WebDAV to the app’s modules DB, or am I supposed to do a document-load?
> Thanks,
> David
> From: general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com
> [mailto:general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com] On Behalf Of Ganesh
> Vaideeswaran
> Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 10:39 AM
> To: MarkLogic Developer Discussion
> Cc: Mike Wooldridge
> Subject: Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] Customizing Facets in App Builder
> (ML6.0)
> David,
> Mike Wooldridge from my team was kind enough to put together some sample
> code that might guide you in the right direction.
> One way is to copy and edit ML.createSidebar() function to do what you want
> and then putting that rewrite in custom/app-config.js.
> (Note: You cannot put this rewrite in custom/app.js and expect it to work
> because of the sequence in which the JS is loaded.)
> As an example, he has made some updates to ML.createSidebar() that maybe
> along the lines of what you looking for. It assumes the example Oscar setup
> and creates a relationship between the 'award' and 'win' facets. The 'win'
> facet only appears in the sidebar if an 'award' facet has been selected (so,
> it appears when the 'award' chiclet is appearing). I'm attaching the code
> (which would be saved inside custom/app-config.js). The update involves
> maintaining an 'invisible' array that tracks what facets should not be
> shown. (This is different from our 'hidden' array, which tracks when a facet
> list is collapsed and still shows its title.). Hope this helps.
> You have to rename the .txt file attached as .js
> Thanks Mike.
> Ganesh Vaideeswaran
> Director of Engineering, Application Services
> MarkLogic Corporation
> ganesh.vaideeswa...@markogic.com
> Phone: +1 650 655 2398
> www.marklogic.com
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> From: general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com
> [mailto:general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com] On Behalf Of Steiner, David
> J. (LNG-DAY)
> Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 7:04 AM
> To: MarkLogic Developer Discussion
> Subject: [MarkLogic Dev General] Customizing Facets in App Builder (ML6.0)
> I have a few high level constraints/facets that are based on collections
> (i.e., I simply gave no prefix in the specification and I get a facet for
> “collection” with the counts of all the docs in each collection).
> Now, I also have a bunch of other facets that I want to show up but only
> when someone picks a particular content type (different content types have
> different facets), i.e., someone clicks on one of the high level content
> types.
> I’m assuming that the only way I can modify the sidebar behavior for facets
> is to modify javascript – create custom javascript.  Is this correct?  Or is
> there I way I can accomplish this in an easier fashion?
> If I have to change the javascript, is there an example of how to do this
> somewhere?
> Also, I guess at a minimum, I’d like to have the ability to easily specify
> whether I wanted the facet to appear opened/expanded or closed.  So, for
> example, I’d like my collection facets to appear opened, but other range
> index facets to appear closed since there will be a lot of them and they
> will each have a lot of values.
> Thanks,
> David
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