On Tue, 12 Feb 2013 15:48:01 -0800, Raghu  
<raghupathy.visweswa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It is also stripping the spaces and line breaks
> And this is causing issues while rendering as html in a few browsers
> Is there a way I can store it "as it is"??

Only if you store it as a binary or plain text document, in which case
you will not be able to do path expressions over it. We don't store
the text of documents, we store an efficient representation of the
data model.

> I've tried
> declare boundary-space preserve;
> declare option xdmp:output "indent=no";
>  but still no luck
> OTHER THAN CDATA/ Binary is there any other way to do this?
> Any help is appreciated
> Thanks in advance!
> Raghu

I would suggest setting the output method to either HTML or XHTML, so
that the serialization is appropriate for your use:

declare option xdmp:output "method=html";

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