Good day,

I'm trying to validate an XML file using an XSD made in Oxygen Editor
version 14, At the editor the xsd seems to work according to the
requirement, but when I use the "validate strict{$node}" sentence, this is
what i got:

1. I validate the schema against to a valid XML, everything its ok in both
cases, Oxygen and Marklogic.
2. If I validate against to an invalid XML file using the oxygen editor the
error is showed in the console, but doing the same validation in the
marklogic console the XML seems to be valid.
3. I try again but this time I modify the XML in the initial node (which is
restricted in the xsd) the results seems to be invaled in both consoles.

My xsd file is created with groups, complexTypes, sequences and choices

According to this, the problem seems to be with the XSD proccessor,
searching on internet i found that Marklogic only have support for schema
1.0 and Oxygen is working with Schema 1.1, I'm not sure if the problem is
because of the schema version.

So, Does Marklogic have problems with this kind of xsd files?, how can I
create or is there a Editor to create xsd that Marklogic can manage?

Thanks for the attention,

I attached the xsd and xml files.
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