Hi all,

I have installed MLS 7.0 on a Digitalocean droplet running Ubuntu 14.04.1. 
Having some security problems I hope you can help with.

The Admin Interface responded on port 8001 and installed the database but I'm 
unable to proceed to user setup because security-install-go.xqy returned an 
ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE on posting the form data.

Now, attempting to use Admin returns a 500 Error with the following details:

500: Internal Server Error
SEC-NOADMIN: (err:FOER0000) User does not have admin role.
In /MarkLogic/security.xqy on line 5340
In sec:check-admin()
In /lib/status-check.xqy on line 16
In status-check()
In / on line 6

The install directory is /opt/MarkLogic. 

I haven't found any hints about this on MarkMail or Google. TIA for your advice.

Ardal Powell

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