HI Ardal.

I note that you are installing this in a VM using Ubuntu.

I don't think that MarkLogic has a debian package available.  I uaually use
alien to convert them when testing on debian based systems.

Could you explain how you went about installing MarkLogic on a debian based
system?  Perhaps there is something about that. (for instance, there is a
sysconfig file that gets created that might be overlooked if installed 'by
hand'- not sure if that could be the issue, for instance)

Kind Regards,
David Ennis

David Ennis
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On 26 January 2015 at 10:50, Ardal Powell <ard...@me.com> wrote:

> Thanks, Danny. I'm quite sure MarkLogic has not been installed before:
> it's a brand new droplet.
> I went ahead and reinstalled the data directory, but the same thing
> happened on trying to create a new admin user. The server took about a
> minute to return the error.
> I noticed that some of the .xqy in the data directory has permissions as
> low as 600, so I set the whole directory to 777 to see what would happen.
> The only difference was the server returned the error more quickly.
> Also, the system was writing stuff to disk before the CHMOD because
> /var/opt/MarkLogic/Forests/Last-Login/Security/Journals contains the
> following:
> A 0 byte file, Journal1-19700101000000-0-18446744073709551615-0
> A file named Label with contents:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <forest-label xmlns="http://marklogic.com/xdmp/forest/label
> "><version>83886849</version><public-lock>0</public-lock><private-lock>0</private-lock><checkpoint-FSN>10</checkpoint-FSN><checkpoint-offset>8416</checkpoint-offset><checkpoint-sequence-key>9457306095252104859</checkpoint-sequence-key><backup-time>0</backup-time><restore-time>0</restore-time><master-forest>12488019828191884476</master-forest><master-precise-time>14222648032855250</master-precise-time><master-FSN>10</master-FSN><master-sequence-key>9457306095252104859</master-sequence-key><was-synchronized-flag>false</was-synchronized-flag><foreign-master-cluster>16048579413085239693</foreign-master-cluster><foreign-master-database>5988134361757721166</foreign-master-database><foreign-master-forest>12488019828191884476</foreign-master-forest><foreign-master-precise-time>14222648032855250</foreign-master-precise-time><foreign-master-FSN>10</foreign-master-FSN><foreign-master-sequence-key>9457306095252104859</foreign-master-sequence-key><foreign-fast-query-timestamp>18446744073709551615</foreign-fast-query-timestamp><min-query-timestamp>0</min-query-timestamp><configured-master-forest>12488019828191884476</configured-master-forest><rollback-timestamp>18446744073709551615</rollback-timestamp><lag-limit>0</lag-limit><database-key>5988134361757721166</database-key><journal-archive-path/><word-size>8</word-size><disk-megabytes>0</disk-megabytes><fragment-count>2</fragment-count><partition-key>0</partition-key><platform>linux</platform><architecture>x86_64</architecture></forest-label>
> Thanks again,
> Ardal
> On Jan 25, 2015, at 10:25 PM, Danny Sokolsky wrote:
> Hi Ardal,
> Did the admin interface  prompt you for the name of an admin username and
> password?  Upon initial installation, when you first go to the Admin
> Interface on port 8001, it will prompt you to create an admin user.
> That message says that you are trying to log in with a user that does not
> have the admin role.  Are you sure MarkLogic has never been installed on
> that machine before?  If it was, there might be an existing security
> database there.
> Assuming this is a new installation, it might be easiest to start over.
> To do that, you can 1) shutdown MarkLogic 2) remove the data directory
> (/var/opt/MarkLogic), and then 3) start the server again.  Then you can go
> to port 8001 in a browser and see what happens.
> WARNING: I this is not a new installation, do not do what I said above
> because it will delete your data directory.
> -Danny
> *From:* general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com [mailto:
> general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com] *On Behalf Of*Ardal Powell
> *Sent:* Sunday, January 25, 2015 5:02 PM
> *To:* general@developer.marklogic.com
> *Subject:* [MarkLogic Dev General] ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE from
> security-install.xqy
> Hi all,
> I have installed MLS 7.0 on a Digitalocean droplet running Ubuntu 14.04.1.
> Having some security problems I hope you can help with.
> The Admin Interface responded on port 8001 and installed the database but
> I'm unable to proceed to user setup because security-install-go.xqy
> returned an ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE on posting the form data.
> Now, attempting to use Admin returns a 500 Error with the following
> details:
> *500: Internal Server Error*
> *SEC-NOADMIN: (err:FOER0000) User does not have admin role.In
> /MarkLogic/security.xqy on line 5340In sec:check-admin()In
> /lib/status-check.xqy on line 16In status-check()In / on line 6*
> The install directory is /opt/MarkLogic.
> I haven't found any hints about this on MarkMail or Google. TIA for your
> advice.
> Ardal
> ______________________
> Ardal Powell
> ard...@me.com
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