Hi David,

I have modified the condition like below in router.xqy itself from where
data is being set in map:map and now this is working fine without changing
in the code above. Hope this should be fine and better solution :)

else if (xdmp:get-request-body()/node() instance of object-node()) then
else ()
Complete condition in router.xqy-

if (fn:exists(xdmp:get-request-body())) then

map:put($req:request, "req-body",
if (xdmp:get-request-body()/node() instance of element()) then
else if (xdmp:get-request-body()/node() instance of text()) then
else if (xdmp:get-request-body()/node() instance of object-node()) then
else ()

On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 2:22 PM, Indrajeet Verma <indrajeet.ve...@gmail.com>

> Hi David,
> Thank you for explaining all the things. I went through the documentation
> that you have shared with me again.
> What I understand, my code could be fixed in following two ways,
> 1. First convert JOSN object to string format however the jsonLib:parse()
> is not accepting the value that returns from xdmp:to-json($params)/node().
> It says, this is not a string and If I apply xdmp:quote(), this starts
> working with existing code that requires xs:string as input. The 
> json:transform-to-json()
> is not working however logically this should as based on the documentation,
> this also returns xs:string and take json as object. I want input json as
> xs:string for my function.
>   let $params := xdmp:get-request-body()
>   let $json := xdmp:to-json($params)/node()
>   let $json := try{ jsonLib:parse(xdmp:quote($json)) } catch ($e)
> {xdmp:log($json)} (: doing xdmp:quote() is strange here as
> xdmp:to-json()/node() returns string itself.:)
> 2. Using ML8 function and wrapping the result with in <json> that requires
> for my API code.
>  let $params := xdmp:get-request-body()
>  let $custom :=
>         let $config := json:config("custom")
>         return
>           (
>            map:put($config, "element-namespace", "
> http://marklogic.com/json";),
>            $config
>           )
>   let $json := try{ (json:transform-from-json($params, $custom)) } catch
> ($e) {()}
>   let $json := <json type="object" xmlns="http://marklogic.com/json
> ">{$json}</json>
> The json functions those requires xs:string to convert into my APP
> specific output.
> declare function json:parse(
>     $json as xs:string,
>     $enableExtensions as xs:boolean
> ) as element(json:json)
> {
>     let $test := if($isSupported) then () else
> error(xs:QName("json:UNSUPPORTED"), "The JSON library isn't supported under
> this version of MarkLogic, upgrade to 4.2 or later")
>     let $tokens := json:tokenize($json)
>     let $value := json:parseValue($tokens, 1, (), $enableExtensions)
>     let $test :=
>         if(xs:integer($value/@position) != count($tokens) + 1)
>         then json:outputError($tokens, xs:integer($value/@position),
> "Unhandled tokens")
>         else ()
>     return <json:json>{ $value/(@type, @boolean), $value/node()
> }</json:json>
> };
> declare function json:parse(
>     $json as xs:string
> ) as element(json:json)
> {
>     json:parse($json, true())
> };
> Please advise if I am doing wrong thing.
> Regards,
> Indrajeet
> On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 4:17 AM, David Lee <david....@marklogic.com> wrote:
>>  I will start you in the right direction ...
>> XDMP-AS: (err:XPTY0004) $json as element(json:json) -- Invalid coercion:
>> &lt;error:error xsi:schemaLocation="http://marklogic.com/xdmp/error
>> error.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
>> xmlns:error="http://marklogic.com/xdmp/error"&gt;&lt;error:code&gt;XDMP-AS&lt;/error:code&gt;&lt;error:name&gt;err:XPTY0004&lt;/error:...&lt;/error:error&gt;
>> as element(json:json)
>> This is explained in the compatibilty doc, I suggest you start there.
>> Most of the internal JSON API's have changed signatures to use the native
>> JSON nodes - this requires app level changes.
>> https://docs.marklogic.com/guide/relnotes/chap4
>> See:
>> https://docs.marklogic.com/guide/relnotes/chap4#id_94947
>> " The json:transform-to-json
>> <https://docs.marklogic.com/json:transform-to-json> function uses
>> xdmp:to-json <https://docs.marklogic.com/xdmp:to-json>, so it also
>> returns a document-node() in MarkLogic 8"
>> The error below are to be expected  as a side effect of this.
>> Any pre V8 code that uses the marklogic JSON functions is likely to need
>> changing - ­That change may percolate up the API Layer - or it can be
>> issolated within the function/api to expose the same signatures as before -
>> which is best depends on your use case - but in any case its going to take
>> some work.   The actual changes can be very simple in most cases - it is
>> quite easy to convert between representations, most of the work is design -
>> where do you want to make the changes, is it better to hide them as much as
>> possible or to convert to the native JSON data model.  There are advantages
>> to both.
>> But it starts by reading the above docs, and then looking at your code
>> and any dependent code to make the right choices for you.
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> David Lee
>> Lead Engineer
>> *Mark**Logic* Corporation
>> d...@marklogic.com
>> Phone: +1 812-482-5224
>> Cell:  +1 812-630-7622
>> www.marklogic.com
>> *From:* general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com [mailto:
>> general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com] *On Behalf Of *Indrajeet Verma
>> *Sent:* Monday, May 04, 2015 1:35 PM
>> *To:* MarkLogic Developer Discussion
>> *Subject:* Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] json namespace changes in
>> json:transform-from-json($input)
>> Hi David,
>> Thank you for your explanation and help!
>> 1. Could you explain what issues you are having ?
>> XDMP-AS: (err:XPTY0004) $json as element(json:json) -- Invalid coercion:
>> &lt;error:error xsi:schemaLocation="http://marklogic.com/xdmp/error
>> error.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
>> xmlns:error="http://marklogic.com/xdmp/error"&gt;&lt;error:code&gt;XDMP-AS&lt;/error:code&gt;&lt;error:name&gt;err:XPTY0004&lt;/error:...&lt;/error:error&gt;
>> as element(json:json)
>> Code in save()
>>   let $json := try{ jsonLib:parse(map:get($req-map, "req-body") ) } catch
>> ($e) {($e)}
>> 2. Where is this document used ?
>> This saved document is being used to show user history.
>> 3. Could you show the XQuery code that uses it?
>> Please refer the code below.
>> 4. What is not working, what you expected vs what you are getting etc.
>>   let $json := try{ jsonLib:parse(map:get($req-map, "req-body") ) } catch
>> ($e) {($e)}
>> I am expecting json:json however this is not coming. see below error.
>> <error:format-string>XDMP-AS: (err:XPTY0004) $json as xs:string --
>> Invalid coercion: json:object(&lt;json:object xmlns:xs="
>> http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"; xmlns:xsi="
>> http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; xmlns:json="
>> http://marklogic.com/xdmp/json"&gt;&lt;json:entry
>> key="docTitle"&gt;&lt;json:value&gt;histories: Search for
>> app...&lt;/json:object&gt;) as xs:string</error:format-string>
>> One thing if you see, this seems a namespace mismatch issue. The
>> namespace in the converted output is "http://marklogic.com/xdmp/json";
>> however this expects http://marklogic.com/json. I thing roxy is playing
>> major role here in upgrading ML8. I am going to open a ticket in roxy as
>> well for this.
>> This "http://marklogic.com/json"; is being used by roxy to handle
>> json.This namespace is in data model as well and index are also with same
>> namespace. So if I will modify this namespace, Might be, the complete code
>> repository require changes:).
>> Actually I need to upgrade ML6 to ML8 without changing in UI & data model.
>> I am sending you the code for your reference however what I have observed
>> while upgrading, wherever the JSON is being used in the request body for
>> creating files in the DB, everywhere the issues are coming.
>> So the JSON format that is being sent in the request body in ML6 is not
>> compatible with ML8 any more. I am not sure , is this roxy issue or the
>> logic that has been written in the modules.
>> declare function res:save( $type, $prefix)
>> {
>> try {
>>   invoke:invoke(
>>     "save",
>>     "http://marklogic.com/roxy/models/user/resources";,
>>     "/app/lib/user-resources.xqy",
>>     (
>>       auth:userName(),
>>       auth:userDirectory(),
>>       $type,
>>       $prefix,
>>       $req:request
>>     ),
>>     fn:false(),
>>     $cfg:RESOURCE-DB
>>   )
>>   } catch ($e) {xdmp:log($e)}
>> };
>> declare function res:save( $user-id, $root, $type, $prefix, $map)
>> {
>>   let $doc :=
>>       element resource {
>>         attribute wk-pid {fn:concat($prefix,"-",
>> tools:generate-uuid-v4())},
>>         element docType {$type},
>>         element ownerId {$user-id},
>>         element created {fn:current-dateTime()}
>>       }
>>   return
>>   (
>>     res:_save(
>>         fn:concat($root,"/", $doc/docType, "/", $doc/@wk-pid,".xml"),
>>         $doc,
>>         $map
>>       )
>>   )
>> };
>>   let $json := try{ jsonLib:parse(map:get($req-map, "req-body") ) } catch
>> ($e) {()}
>>   let $searchParameter := srch:json-search-params($json)
>>  :)
>> declare function res:_save( $uri, $doc, $map )
>> {
>> (:Working in ML6:)
>>   let $req-map := map:map($map)
>>   let $json := try{ jsonLib:parse(map:get($req-map, "req-body") ) } catch
>> ($e) {()}
>>   let $searchParameter := srch:json-search-params($json)
>> (:
>> I am writing to support ML8
>>     let $params := xdmp:get-request-body()
>>   let $custom :=
>>         let $config := jsonl:config("custom")
>>         return
>>           (
>>            map:put($config, "element-namespace", "
>> http://marklogic.com/json";),
>>            $config
>>           )
>>   let $json := try{ (jsonl:transform-from-json($params, $custom)) } catch
>> ($e) {()}
>>   let $json := <json type="object" xmlns="http://marklogic.com/json
>> ">{$json}</json>
>> :)
>>   let $update :=
>>         element resource {
>>           $doc/@*,
>>           $doc/docType,
>>           element docTitle {xs:string((map:get($req-map,"docTitle"),
>> $json/json:docTitle,
>> fn:concat($doc/docType,"-",fn:current-dateTime()))[1])},
>>           $doc/ownerId,
>>           $doc/created,
>>           element modified {fn:current-dateTime()},
>>           element shared {},
>>           element parameter {
>>             for $node in $json/element()[fn:local-name(.) =
>> ('type','contentColletion','source')]
>>             return
>>               element {fn:local-name($node)} {
>>                 $node/fn:string()
>>               }
>>         },
>>           if ($searchParameter) then
>>           (
>>             (: $searchParameter :)
>>             (: element cts-query
>> {search:parse($searchParameter/queryText/fn:string(), $cfg:SEARCH-OPTIONS)}
>> :)
>>             (:ticket 4885: save-query process extract contentCollectionId
>> :)
>>             if($searchParameter/element()[fn:local-name(.)
>> ='contentCollection'])
>>             then (
>>             element contentCollectionId
>> {res:extractCollectionId($doc/ownerId,$searchParameter/element()[fn:local-name(.)
>> ='contentCollection']/fn:string())}
>>             )
>>             else ()
>>           )
>>           else (),
>>           element {fn:node-name($json)} {
>>             $json/@*,
>>             $json/node()[fn:not(fn:local-name(.) =
>> ("docUrl","docId","docTitle","created","modified"))]
>>           }
>>         }
>>   return (
>>     $update,
>>     tools:invoke("document-insert",
>>       (
>>         $uri,
>>         $update
>>       ),
>>       $cfg:RESOURCE-DB
>>     )
>>   )[1]
>> };
>> (:~
>>  : Converts incoming JSON structure into internal search parameter
>> structure.
>>  : It will be stored into user resources and used for query construction.
>>  :)
>> declare function m:json-search-params( $json as element(json:json))
>> as element (searchParameter)?
>> {
>>   if ($json/json:searchParameter) then
>>     element searchParameter {
>>       for $item in $json/json:searchParameter/*
>>       where $item/@type != 'object'
>>       return
>>         element {fn:local-name($item)} {
>>           if ($item/@type = 'array') then (
>>             for $value in $item/json:item[fn:not(@type =
>> ('object','array'))]
>>             return
>>               element value {
>>                 attribute type {if ($value/@type = "number") then
>> "xs:unsignedLong" else "xs:string"},
>>                 $value/text()
>>               }
>>           ) else (
>>             attribute type {if ($item/@type = "number") then
>> "xs:unsignedLong" else "xs:string"},
>>             $item/text()
>>           )
>>         }
>>     }
>>   else
>>     ()
>> };
>> On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 9:44 PM, David Lee <david....@marklogic.com>
>> wrote:
>>   If those modules are custom modules (written by you or your team, not
>> by marklogic or roxy), then yes this is the right place to ask.
>> If you goal is to minimize client side changes - then you will need to
>> modify your XQuery code wherever V6 vs V8 compatibility has changed.
>> Here is a good place to start in order to identify potential changes
>> needed.
>> https://docs.marklogic.com/guide/relnotes/chap4
>> I am not familiar with where this element would be used by a ML API
>>   <json type="object" xmlns="http://marklogic.com/json";>
>> That is neither directly compatible with V6,7 or  8  'basic' JSON format,
>> nor is it the namespace or format for a ML server side API that I am
>> aware of.
>> In the original question regarding use of xml:transform-to-xml  , in
>> general
>> what you are doing is correct - the JSON is being translated to XML to
>> the extent
>> you describe you wanted.
>> Since you don't reference exactly what it is that you are having problems
>> with, its hard to guess ...
>> Could you explain what issues you are having ?
>> Where is this document used ?
>> could you show the XQuery code that uses it?
>> What is not working, what you expected vs what you are getting etc.
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> David Lee
>> Lead Engineer
>> *Mark**Logic* Corporation
>> d...@marklogic.com
>> Phone: +1 812-482-5224
>> Cell:  +1 812-630-7622
>> www.marklogic.com
>> *From:* general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com [mailto:
>> general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com] *On Behalf Of *Indrajeet Verma
>> *Sent:* Monday, May 04, 2015 11:48 AM
>> *To:* MarkLogic Developer Discussion
>> *Subject:* Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] json namespace changes in
>> json:transform-from-json($input)
>> Hi David,
>> Might be I am wrong here and I will raise a ticket in roxy as well
>> however in this case roxy is sending the request body same as it receives
>> from the request.
>> The manipulation and transformation logic is happening inside modules and
>> that by using ML server functions.
>> Regards,
>> Indy
>> On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 9:12 PM, David Lee <david....@marklogic.com>
>> wrote:
>>   You mention Roxy.  That adds another layer.   I suggests the Roxy
>> forum for discussing this.
>> https://github.com/marklogic/roxy/issues
>> Roxy is a community developed project, Not part of the core MarkLogic
>> product.
>> I don't know to what extent Roxy has been modified to work with ML8 or
>> what changes to suggest to code using it.
>> Many of the low level JSON related API's changed in ML8 and not all the
>> community developed libraries have incorporated those yet.  The Application
>> APIs provided by MarkLogic (like the Java Client API, XCC etc) are updated
>> in-sync with the server update releases, externally managed products and
>> libraries are independently managed by their authors and/or the community
>> (for OS projects).
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> David Lee
>> Lead Engineer
>> *Mark**Logic* Corporation
>> d...@marklogic.com
>> Phone: +1 812-482-5224
>> Cell:  +1 812-630-7622
>> www.marklogic.com
>> *From:* general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com [mailto:
>> general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com] *On Behalf Of *Indrajeet Verma
>> *Sent:* Monday, May 04, 2015 11:27 AM
>> *To:* MarkLogic Developer Discussion
>> *Subject:* Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] json namespace changes in
>> json:transform-from-json($input)
>> Thank you Eric and David for your response however our system is working
>> fine in ML6 and details are,
>> Same I wanted to achieve in ML8 without changing in UI and other search
>> API that are being used for retrieval.
>> Input request in body via roxy,
>> {
>>       "docTitle": "histories: Search for apple",
>>       "type": "Search",
>>       "searchParameter": {
>>         "page": 1,
>>         "pageLength": 10,
>>         "queryText": "apple AND microsoft",
>>         "contentCollection": "All Content"
>>       }
>> }
>> Output that is being saved in ML,
>> XML document  <http://localhost:8000/qconsole/>
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <resource wk-pid="HIS-954e3f8f-2bbb-e79b-3747-7480b73db65b">
>> <docType>
>> Histories
>> </docType>
>> <docTitle>
>> histories: Search for apple
>> </docTitle>
>> <ownerId>
>> USR-2fe944cc-013e-5b5a-0dba-7e98c3ffab00
>> </ownerId>
>> <created>
>> 2015-05-04T17:13:40.126+05:30
>> </created>
>> <modified>
>> 2015-05-04T17:13:40.126+05:30
>> </modified>
>> <shared>
>> </shared>
>> <parameter>
>> <type>
>> Search
>> </type>
>> </parameter>
>> <json type="object" xmlns="http://marklogic.com/json";>
>> <type>
>> Search
>> </type>
>> <searchParameter>
>> <page>
>> 1
>> </page>
>> <pageLength>
>> 10
>> </pageLength>
>> <queryText>
>> Apple AND microsoft
>> </queryText>
>> <contentCollection>
>> All Content
>> </contentCollection>
>> </searchParameter>
>> </json>
>> </resource>
>> On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 7:36 PM, David Lee <david....@marklogic.com>
>> wrote:
>>   Erik addressed the most likely issue/question.
>> As a follow-up , for clarification -
>>   your 2 examples are fundamentally different use cases of
>> json:transform-to-xml()
>> The first use (without the $config)  is intended *only* for the pre-V8
>>  use case of transforming
>> arbitrary JSON into a 'black box' XML format with 100% fidelity.   While
>> it is a fairly readable format,
>> Its not intended to be used directly  - it is an implementation used by
>> V7 before we had native JSON data types in the database.
>> It is maintained for backwards compatibility for that use case only (if
>> you have existing data in V7 format).
>> The second example (with the 'custom' strategy and a $config)  is  not
>> intended as a refinement or otherwise
>> replacement for the first case.  Its designed to allow for custom
>> transformations between JSON and XML -
>> possibly bi-directionally  - at the expense of losing 100%  fidelity.
>>   Many of these use cases are no longer necessary in V8
>> due to native support for JSON directly.
>> It *can* be used as you have done - it should not be confused with the
>> first  case ( making any modifications
>> at all to the 'basic' strategy transformation produces XML which will
>> break any code expecting the V7 internal format),
>> and I don't recommend it for API's that have a JSON interface - its much
>> better to use that directly if possible.
>> For API's that accept either JSON or XML - the formats for both are well
>> defined - but the transformation between those formats
>> can be very complex to get 100% right.  So if you have JSON and using an
>> API that accepts JSON - its much easier and better
>> (and more efficient) to not attempt to transform it to XML.
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> David Lee
>> Lead Engineer
>> *Mark**Logic* Corporation
>> d...@marklogic.com
>> Phone: +1 812-482-5224
>> Cell:  +1 812-630-7622
>> www.marklogic.com
>> *From:* general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com [mailto:
>> general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com] *On Behalf Of *Erik Hennum
>> *Sent:* Monday, May 04, 2015 9:16 AM
>> *To:* MarkLogic Developer Discussion
>> *Subject:* Re: [MarkLogic Dev General] json namespace changes in
>> json:transform-from-json($input)
>> Hi, Indrajeet:
>> In MarkLogic 8, you would typically store JSON directly as native JSON
>> and not converted to XML. The direct approach will improve performance and
>> maintainability.
>> In the particular case, xdmp:unquote() will turn the input string into a
>> JSON document that can be inserted into the database.
>> The particular case looks like the input to a search request.  Is there
>> is a specific reason it must be encoded as XML?
>> Erik Hennum
>>       ------------------------------
>> *From:* general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com [
>> general-boun...@developer.marklogic.com] on behalf of Indrajeet Verma [
>> indrajeet.ve...@gmail.com]
>> *Sent:* Monday, May 04, 2015 6:00 AM
>> *To:* MarkLogic Developer Discussion
>> *Subject:* [MarkLogic Dev General] json namespace changes in
>> json:transform-from-json($input)
>> Hi,
>> While upgrading ML6 to ML8, I needed to modify the JSON format and I did
>> it based on my understanding on ML8 JSON handling however my senior is not
>> convince with this solution so wanted to know if my approach is not best
>> fit and could be better solution.
>> Please someone take a look on my code and suggest any better solution?
>> let $input := '{"docTitle":"histories: Search for apple",
>> "type":"Search", "searchParameter":{"page":1, "pageLength":10}}'
>> When I am using json:transform-from-json($input), getting below output
>> with namespace  "http://marklogic.com/xdmp/json/basic";
>> <json type="object" xmlns="http://marklogic.com/xdmp/json/basic";>
>> <docTitle type="string">
>> histories: Search for apple
>> </docTitle>
>> <type type="string">
>> Search
>> </type>
>> <searchParameter type="object">
>> <page type="number">
>> 1
>> </page>
>> <pageLength type="number">
>> 10
>> </pageLength>
>> </searchParameter>
>> </json>
>> However I wanted the results with the namespace "
>> http://marklogic.com/json"; so I have coded like below,
>> let $custom :=
>>         let $config := jsonl:config("custom")
>>         return
>>           (
>>            map:put($config, "element-namespace", "
>> http://marklogic.com/json";),
>>            $config
>>           )
>>   let $json := try{ (jsonl:transform-from-json($input, $custom)) } catch
>> ($e) {()}
>>   let $json := <json type="object" xmlns="http://marklogic.com/json
>> ">{$json}</json>
>>   return $json
>> *output:*
>> <json type="object" xmlns="http://marklogic.com/json";>
>> <docTitle>
>> histories: Search for apple
>> </docTitle>
>> <type>
>> Search
>> </type>
>> <searchParameter>
>> <page>
>> 1
>> </page>
>> <pageLength>
>> 10
>> </pageLength>
>> </searchParameter>
>> </json>
>> Regards,
>> Indy
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